OUR VISION World class seaport of choice

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Presentation on theme: "OUR VISION World class seaport of choice"— Presentation transcript:

1 OUR VISION World class seaport of choice
MARITIME SAFETY By Steven Oundo, OGW (Architect, Arbitrator & Construction Project Manager, Former Chairman NCA & AAK) OUR VISION World class seaport of choice

2 MARITIME SAFETY Background Legal Aspects Port Context KPA Actions
Policy Challenges Q & A

3 BACKGROUND Maritime Safety - The protection of life and property through regulation, management and technology development of all forms of waterborne transportation Marine Safety is anchored in the IMO (1982) convention - The best way of improving safety at sea is by developing international regulations that are followed by all shipping nations Thro’ Conventions and Codes. – Nations to Ratify and domesticate

4 International Maritime Organization (I.M.O)
The Convention, establishing the International Maritime Organization (IMO), was adopted in Geneva in 1948 and IMO first met in 1959. IMO main task - to develop and maintain a comprehensive regulatory framework for efficient shipping. Thro’ 5 committees Maritime Safety Committee (MSC) Legal Committee(LEG) Technical cooperation committee (TC) Marine Environment Protection committee(MEPC) Facilitation Committee (FAL)

5 IMO -Safe, secure & efficient shipping on clean oceans
INTERNATIONAL MARITIME ORGANIZATION IMO -Safe, secure & efficient shipping on clean oceans

6 GENESIS for Global Requirement
Increased Loss of Life , Property(ships & Cargo) and Pollution SOLAS – Safety Of Life At Sea 1914 – First version – The Titanic disaster , 1948, 1960, General Provisions for International ships Aimed At; Fire protection Life saving (life boats, rescue boats, life jackets) Safety of Navigation, Carriage of Cargoes and Dangerous Goods Improved standards for construction of ships New regulations for specialized ships

7 LEGAL ASPECTS Several conventions to improve Maritime safety;
MARPOL 73/74 – International convention for prevention of pollution from ships (6 Annexes) SOLAS 74 – Safety of life at Sea STCW 95 as amended 2010 – Standard of Training, Certification and Watch keeping code COLREG - Convention on the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea (COLREG), 1972 International Maritime Dangerous Goods ( IMDG Code) ISM Code - (International Safety Management) – Compliance with standards ISO 9001: 2015 – High Standards of procedures and training KPA Policies and Regulations

8 OTHERS International Convention on Load Lines (LL), 1966
International Convention on Salvage (SALVAGE), 1989 FAL Convention - Convention on Facilitation of International Maritime Traffic (FAL), 1965 International Convention on Tonnage Measurement (TONNAGE), 1969 International Convention on Maritime Search and Rescue (SAR), 1979

9 Port context Managing the assets of the organisation safely, economically and efficiently. Maintaining port marine related equipment, including craft to the highest maritime industry standards Pursuing contemporary cost-effective methods [such as dredging or surveying] Training the operational staff to the highest professional standards Ensuring that staff are properly trained in emergency and contingency procedures Appointment of Designated Persons(DP) Highlights of The Revised Uniform & Personal Protective Rules and Regulations

10 MARITIME SECURITY (ISPS CODE) International Ship & Port Facility Security Code (ISPS Code)
Nairobi Embassy Bombing – 9/98 11 September 2001

11 ISPS Code Measures to safeguard; Port Security Vessel Security
Facility Security Set to enter into force in July 2004 KPA implementation July2006

12 KPA Actions Compliance to International Regulations and standards
Continuous training of staff to international standards Investment on state of art equipment ( VTS+ Crafts) Continuous dredging of the channel Investment on Aid to navigation (IALA standards) Establishment of Emergency Management Plans (EMPs) - Fully-fledged ICC. Implementation of the ISPS Code Establishment of Pollution Control Centre – Only one in East & Central Africa. Implementation of HSE policy

13 Cont. Compliance to ISO 9001:2015 & ISM Code Regular Audits
Drills and Exercises on Maritime safety threats

14 Maritime Safety Challenges
AT STAKE How can regions become the first recipient of their value added knowledge and experience? How can we use maritime safety & security as a key driver for regional development? How do we capitalize on regional experience and know how in maritime safety & security to make a global port of excellence? How can public and private partnerships bring sustainable economic development and reliable answers in maritime safety & security?

Safety is a collective Responsibility

16 CHANGE QUOTES To live is to change, and to be perfect is to have changed often. —John Henry Newman


18 Questions & Discussion
THANK YOU Questions & Discussion

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