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Calculating Tax Rates and the Procedures to Adopt

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Presentation on theme: "Calculating Tax Rates and the Procedures to Adopt"— Presentation transcript:

1 Calculating Tax Rates and the Procedures to Adopt
Setting the Tax Rate Calculating Tax Rates and the Procedures to Adopt

2 Session Overview Explain the different tax rates
Discuss the tax rate calendar Review the procedures to adopt Statutes and references

3 Explaining Tax Rates Rates & Components
Ad valorem tax Property tax rate Effective tax rate Rollback tax rate Sales tax rate Property tax rate components Maintenance & operations (M&O) Interest & sinking (I&S) Collection rates Current taxes Delinquent taxes Ad Valorem – “According to Value” Property Tax Rate = current adopted rate Effective Tax Rate = a benchmark rate looking at the big picture Rollback Rate = a maximum rate that allows the public to take steps to limit the revenue generated for the coming year Use last adopted rate to calculate both the effective rate and the rollback rates – and all three types of rates are usually made up of 2 parts – a maintenance and operation rate and a debt rate, also called an I&S rate. M&O – rate to support your general operating expenses for the county I&S – rate needed to support the coming year’s debt payments Sales tax rate is calculated to figure how much tax can be saved based on the amount of sales tax that the entity received over the past 4 quarters.

4 Explaining Tax Rates Property Tax Sample
Fiscal Year 2018 Fiscal Year 2019 Roll Value $ ,000 Tax Rate per $100 $ Tax Levy $ Roll Value $ ,000 Tax Rate per $100 $ Tax Levy $ Very simplistic view of two tax rolls. When there is more value to tax, and the rate stays the same, more dollars come in. But, unless the adjustments lessened the value, $.50 could not have been the effective rate -

5 Explaining Tax Rates Effective Tax Rate
Definition – Inverse relationship to property value Calculating the effective rate Property tax worksheet (Comptroller) Adjustments that can factor into the calculation Lost value from prior years Refunds for prior year Tax Increment Funds (TIF) Pollution control exemptions Properties under protest New Property The effective rate is the rate that when applied will bring in the same money in the coming year as was on the roll in the previous year – on the same properties. Effective rate is an overall rate that is very generic. It is calculated not in the two parts but as a whole, to give a rate that would generate the same revenue for the upcoming year as is currently on the previous year’s roll – when taxing the same properties in each year. BENCHMARK INVERSE RELATIONSHIP - Obviously, if the value on the new roll is greater, the calculated tax rate will be lower – it does not require as high a rate to generate the same revenue. At the same time, if the value on the new roll is lower, then the calculated rate will be higher since the goal is to find a rate that will bring in the same revenue as in the previous year. The idea is to provide a beginning point – a benchmark from which to start, and to calculate the rollback rate. So what are some of the adjustments?

6 Explaining Tax Rates Effective Tax Rate
Fiscal Year 2018 Fiscal Year 2019 Roll Value $ ,000 Tax Rate per $100 $ Tax Levy $ Roll Value $ ,000 Tax Rate per $100 $ Tax Levy $ Effective Tax Rate – rate that generates the same tax levy as year before. Ex: $

7 Explaining Tax Rates Rollback Rate
Definition – Applies to M&O portion of the rate only 8% generally, subject to some adjustments Tax refunds from prior years Enhanced indigent health expenditures Taxes in a TIF Property tax collection rate Sales tax collection rate The highest rate a jurisdiction can adopt without risking a rollback election. The rollback rate is determined by calculating an effective maintenance and operations rate one that will generate the same amount of M&O tax dollars as is on the current roll, adding 8% to that, and then adding a rate that will generate the needed revenue to make debt payments for the year. Once the debt rate is calculated, it may be adjusted by the projected collection rate. Why? If the unit has adopted the additional sales tax to reduce property taxes, the overall rollback rate will be reduced by the sales tax collection rate.

8 Explaining Tax Rates Rollback Rate
Fiscal Year 2018 Fiscal Year 2019 Roll Value $ ,000 Tax Rate per $100 $ Tax Levy $ Roll Value $ ,000 Tax Rate per $100 $ Tax Levy $ REMEMBER – if a unit taxes to pay for debt, the debt rate would be calculated separately and added to the M&O rate + 8% to arrive at the rollback rate. Tax Rate - $ Effective Rate - $ Rollback Rate - $ Multiply effective rate by to get rollback rate

9 Explaining tax rates One more look
Fiscal Year 2018 Fiscal Year 2019 Roll Value $ 100,000.00 Tax Rate per $100 $ Tax Levy $ Roll Value $ 200,000.00 New Value $ 100,000.00 Tax Rate per $100 $ Tax Levy $ ,000.00 Just to show the possible impact of one of the adjustments made in the calculation process - Effective Rate is .50 – Why? New value is excluded from effective tax rate calculation

10 Tax Rate Calendar Budget calendar must sync with the tax rate calendar
Key dates on the tax rate calendar (deadlines Value estimates – from CAD – April 30 Certified values – from CAD – July 25 Notice of proposed tax rate – September 1 Adoption of a tax rate – before September 30 After certified values are received, effective and rollback rates are calculated and submitted to the governing body by August 7 – or as soon thereafter as practicable. NOTE: All of the data needed to calculate the rate must be provided in writing to the person responsible for calculation before this date, or the entire process is delayed. Proposed rate must be published or mailed by September 1st – or the 30th day after receiving the certified roll, whichever is later. Adoption of the rate must be before September 30, or 60 days after receiving the certified appraisal roll, whichever is later.

11 Tax Rate Calendar Additional Timeframes
Going UP? - proposed rate exceeds the lower of the effective or rollback rates: Schedule two public hearings prior to the meeting to adopt the tax rate – the dates are included in the published notice and on your website WHEN SCHEDULING - The second public hearing may not be earlier than 3 days after the first public hearing – the date, time and place of this meeting should be announced at the end of the first public hearing. Publish required notice in paper At least 7 days before the first public hearing Scheduled meeting to adopt the tax rate is 3 to 14 days after last hearing If the jurisdiction has debt that has been paid off in the previous year, the rollback rate can be lower than the effective rate. Remember, the debt portion of the rollback rate is calculated and added separately to the M&O rate with the percent of increase. The effective rate uses generically the entire roll (M&O and I&S) to project a rate to bring in the same money as last year.

12 Tax Rate Calendar What if?
The proposed rate is the calculated effective rate or lower - Propose a rate and publish the required notice in the paper No hearings Schedule the meeting to adopt the tax rate

13 Procedures The Public Notice in the Paper
Use the simplified notice Local Government Code If someone else prepares it, CHECK IT for correctness Keep a copy handy for the public hearings Keep your proof copy from the paper


15 Procedures Hearings & Meetings
Public hearings on the tax rate What am I supposed to do or say at the hearing? What if no one shows up? Meeting to adopt tax rate Must take a separate vote from the vote on the budget Adopt the M&O rate and the I&S rate individually Must be a record vote, and at least 60% of the Court must be in favor to pass Must have a quorum present at both hearings Must be within the boundaries of the unit Must be on a weekday that is not a holiday Must be in a public building Must allow taxpayers opportunity to express their views At least 4 members of court must be present At least 3 must vote for the rate County Judge is considered a member for this purpose

16 Procedures Hearings & Meetings
If you are exceeding the effective rate, use the language required by statute for the motion: "I move that the property tax rate be increased by the adoption of a tax rate of (specify tax rate), which is effectively a (insert percentage by which the proposed tax rate exceeds the effective tax rate) percent increase in the tax rate.“ REMEMBER TO ADOPT THE M&O AND I&S RATES SEPARATELY! Statement required in the order or resolution adopting the rate "THIS TAX RATE WILL RAISE MORE TAXES FOR MAINTENANCE AND OPERATIONS THAN LAST YEAR'S TAX RATE. THE TAX RATE WILL EFFECTIVELY BE RAISED BY (INSERT PERCENTAGE BY WHICH THE TAX RATE EXCEEDS THE EFFECTIVE MAINTENANCE AND OPERATIONS RATE) PERCENT AND WILL RAISE TAXES FOR MAINTENANCE AND OPERATIONS ON A $100,000 HOME BY APPROXIMATELY $(Insert amount)." While the code provides specific requirements for the wording of the motion to adopt a rate that is considered an increase, that wording does not address the requirement to adopt the M&O and I&S portions Additional motions will be required to adopt the separate rates that support the debt and general operating parts of your budget.

17 Procedures Internet posting

18 Session Review We have Problems
What happens if we don’t do all of this? What if we are late and miss one of the deadlines? Someone else does all of this, and they just tell me when to be at the meeting… Failure to comply in good faith with computation or publication of the rates – any taxpayer can seek an injunction to prohibit adoption of your tax rate. Failure to comply in good faith with the tax rate setting procedures - any taxpayer can seek an injunction restraining the collection of taxes. *This injunction must be filed prior to the date the unit delivers substantially all of its’ tax bills. Deadline missed? Go back and re-do, which would probably delay adoption of the tax rate beyond the deadline. In that case, the rate is automatically set at either the effective or previous year’s tax rate, whichever is lower. If this happens, the governing body must ratify the automatic rate before the 5th date after establishing the rate.

19 Session Review Statutes & References
Tax Code, Chapter 26 Local Government Code, Chapter 140 Texas State Comptroller – Property Tax Assistance Division Truth in Taxation Calculation worksheets Your rates are on there Texas Association of Counties – Sample planning calendars and handbooks

20 Closing Final Questions?
Contact Information Kristeen Roe, CTA, PCC Brazos County Tax Assessor/Collector 4151 County Park Ct. Bryan, TX

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