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Cell Organelles Honors Biology I.

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1 Cell Organelles Honors Biology I

2 Cell Organelles Organelle= “little organ”

3 Cell Walls Not found in Animal cells Support structure
Made of cellulose Plasmodesmata allow materials to pass from one cell to the next

4 Centrioles Found only in animals Formed from protein tubulin
Found near nucleus in the centrosome Help organize cell division

5 Cytoskeleton “support and transport structure”
Network of protein filaments 1. Microfilaments Thread-like Made of protein actin 2. Microtubules Hollow structures Made of protein tubulin Important during cell division when moving chromosomes

6 We have already covered this!
Plasma Membrane We have already covered this!

7 Cilia Numerous hair-like extensions of the cell membrane
Type of microtubule used for locomotion and aid in feeding Ex: respiratory cells

8 Flagella Long whip-like extensions of the cell membrane
Type of microtubule Used for locomotion Ex: sperm cells

9 Nucleus: Main Office “control center” Contains DNA Nuclear envelope
Composed of 2 membranes Contains nuclear pores that allow material to move in and out of nucleus

10 Cells normally contain a single nucleus
Chromatin DNA bound to protein Condenses into chromosomes during cell division Nucleolus Produces ribosomes Cells normally contain a single nucleus Cells such as liver and muscle cells have more than one due to amount of organelles that need controlling

11 Cytoplasm vs cytosol All the stuff in between the organelles is cytosol Everything in a cell except the nucleus is cytoplasm You may or may not wish to distinguish between cytosol and cytoplasm. The correct use of each term is shown here. Most high school textbooks, however, use the word “cytoplasm” to mean “cytosol.”

12 Ribosomes “machines” Makes proteins
Consists of ribosomal RNA and protein Free Ribosomes Found in the cytosol Make proteins for use in that cell Attached Ribosomes Attached to rough ER Make proteins to be transported elsewhere or to be inserted in the membrane

13 Endoplasmic Reticulum
“conveyor belt” Consists of a series of membraneous tubules that connect to the nuclear envelope Rough ER has ribosomes and carries proteins throughout the cell Smooth ER does NOT have ribosomes and makes membrane lipids and detoxifies drugs Liver cells have large amounts of smooth ER

14 Vesicles Transport organelles Endocytosis and exocytosis
Protein transport

15 Golgi Apparatus “mail room” Stack of membraneous sacks
Receives proteins from the Rough ER and then modifies, sorts and packages them in vesicles for storage or transport

16 Vacuoles “storage” Sac-like membrane bound structures
Store water, salts, proteins, carbohydrates etc. Plant cells have a large central Vacuole Pressure inside offers support to plant structures Animal cells have smaller vacuoles

17 Chloroplasts “solar power” Only found in Plant cells Double membrane
Site where photosynthesis takes place Contains chlorophyll pigment that absorbs light Have their own DNA

18 Mitochondria “Powerhouse” Double membrane organelle
outer membrane Inner membrane: contains folds called Cristae which increases surface area for cellular respiration to take place Convert chemical energy stored in food into compounds that the cell can use

19 Inherited from your mom
Contain their own DNA Numerous in muscle cells

20 Lysosomes “clean up crew” Small organelles filled with enzymes
Digests lipids, carbohydrates and proteins so that they can be used by the cell Get rid of “worn-out” organelles

21 Endosymbiotic Theory Lynn Margulis suggested that mitochodria and chloroplasts are descendants of prokaryotes Large prokaryotes consumed smaller prokaryote which developed a symbiotic relationship Evolution of first eukaryote

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