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By C. Shing ITEC Dept Radford University

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1 By C. Shing ITEC Dept Radford University
Chapter 6 Structures By C. Shing ITEC Dept Radford University

2 Objectives Understand how to use structures
Understand how to call function by passing structures Understand how to use unions

3 Structure A record that can store different data types
Declared data type (struct structure_name) first as struct [structure_name] { type1 fieldname1; … } [variable_lists]; Then define a new type by typedef struct structure_name structure_type; or typedef struct { … } structure_type;

4 Structure (Cont.) Example: struct student_record { char lastname[30];
char firstname[15]; float gpa; }; typedef struct student_record student_rec;

5 Structure (Cont.) Declared variables then as Or use Example:
struct structure_name variable_list; Or use structure_type variable_list; Example: struct student_record student1, student2; struct student_record student[100]; or student_rec student[100];…

6 Initialize Structure Similar to initialize an array
Fill in 0 or NULL if not enough data Example: student_rec student1={“Doe”, “John”, 2.0}; student_rec student_any;

7 Read in Structure from Keyboard
Example: scanf(“%s%s%f”, student1.lastname, student1.firstname, &student1.gpa); // data: Doe John 2.0 Example1

8 Structure Assignment Assign field:
student_any.lastname=student1.lastname; Example: Program, Data Assign whole structure: Example: student_any= student1;

9 Pointer and Structure If a pointer p to a stucture_type variable, then
to access a field (or member), use p -> fieldname Or (*p).fieldname Example 2

10 Pointer and Structure (Cont.)
Example: student_rec student1={“Doe”, “John”, 2.0}, *student_pointer=&student1; Then student_pointer->lastname = “Doe”; (*student_pointer).firstname = “John”; student_pointer->gpa=2.0; (student_pointer->firstname)[3]=‘n’; (*(student_pointer->firstname))+2=‘L’;

11 Pass Structure to Function
Use pass-by-value: pass a copy of structure, Default, not efficient If structure is changed after function call, must return the structure_type result The returned result must be assigned back to the original variable Example: student1=change_gpa (student1); student_rec change_gpa (student_rec student_any) { printf(“Please enter new gpa:\n”); scanf(“%f”, &student_any.gpa); return student_any; } Example 3

12 Pass Structure to Function (Cont.)
Use pass-by-reference: pass in pointer, very efficient Example: change_gpa (&student1); void change_gpa (student_rec *student_pointer) { printf(“Please enter new gpa:\n”); scanf(“%f”, &student_pointer->gpa); } Example 4

13 Sort Structures Problem: input data into array of structures
And then sort them Data: 1 15.0 2 15.0 3 11.0 4 9.0 5 9.0

14 Sort Structures (Cont.)
struct request { int number; double duration; }; typedef struct request requesttype; void input(requesttype request[], int *count);

15 Sort Structures (Cont.)
int main(void) { requesttype request[1000]; int count=0; input(request, &count); sort_struct(request, count); }

16 Sort Structures (Cont.)
void input(requesttype request[], int *count) { int i; for (i=0; scanf("%d", &request[i].number), request[i].number !=0; i++) scanf("%lf", &request[i]. duration); (*count)++; }

17 Sort Structures (Cont.)
void sort_struct (requesttype w[], int n) { int i, j; for (i=0; i<n; ++i) for (j=i+1; j<n;++j) if (w[i].duration > w[j].duration) swap (&w[i], &w[j]); }

18 Sort Structures (Cont.)
void swap (requesttype *s, requesttype *t) { requesttype tmp; tmp=*s; *s=*t; *t=tmp; }

19 Sort Structures – Another Way (Cont.)
void sort_struct (requesttype w[], int n) { int i, j; for (i=0; i<n; ++i) for (j=i+1; j<n;++j) if (w[i].duration > w[j].duration) swapInt (&w[i], &w[j]); swapDouble (&w[i], &w[j]); }

20 Sort Structures – Another Way (Cont.)
void swapInt (requesttype *s, requesttype *t) { int tmp; tmp=s->number; s->number=t->number; t->number=tmp; }

21 Sort Stuctures – Another Way (Cont.)
void swapDouble (requesttype *s, requesttype *t) { double tmp; tmp=s->duration; s->duration=t->duration; t->duration=tmp; }

22 Example Helpful Code Data Sort Student Name and Grades Structure;
Program, Data

23 Operators Priority Operator Same Priority Rule
(),postfix++/--,[],.,-> Left to right Unary +/-, prefix++/--, !, ~,&, * Right to left *, /, % +, - <<, >> <, >, <=, >= ==, !=

24 Operators Priority (Cont.)
Same Priority Rule & ^ | && Left to right || ?: Right to left ,

25 Union Create a new type (union union_name)
by union sets of different data types Declare as union union_name { type1 variable1; …; };

26 Union (Cont.) Example: union number { long i; float f;};
typedef union number number; number number1, number2; number1.i=100; number2.f=-1.23; printf(“%d%f\n”, number1.i, number1.f); printf(“%d%f\n”, number2.i, number2.f);

27 Example Helpful Code

28 Structure with Bit Fields
Purpose: reduce space Declare structure data types using bits fields as struct structure_name { unsigned field1: number of bits, field2: number of bits, :0, // align to next word …; }; typedef struct structure_name structure_type; structure_type variable_list;

29 Structure with Bit Fields (Cont.)
Example: Create a small_number that has 7 bits of signed integer or float struct small_number { unsigned int_sign: 1, // 0: positive, 1: negative using 2s complement i : 6, :0, // align to next word float_sign: 1, f : 6; // don’t worry align at the end }; typedef struct small_number small_number; small_number s_number1;

30 Structure with Bit Fields (Cont.)
Example: (Cont.) // assign 23 to snumber1 snumber1.int_sign=0; snumber1.i=23;

31 Data Structure - stack Stack: insert (push) and delete (pop)
at the same place (top).

32 Example 1- stack Write a program that implements a stack of
characters using an array. typedef struct stack { char s[STACKSIZE]; int top; } stack;

33 Example 1– stack (Cont.) void clear_stack (stack *stk) {
stk->top=-1; }; void push(char c, stack *stk) { stk->top++; stk->s[stk->top]=c; }

34 Example 1– stack (Cont.) char top (const stack *stk) {
return (stk->s[stk->top]); }; char pop (stack *stk) { return (stk->s[stk->top--]); }

35 Example 1– stack (Cont.) int is_full (const stack *stk) {
return ((int) (stk->top == STACKSIZE-1)); }; int is_empty (const stack *stk) { return ((int) (stk->top == -1));

36 Example 2- stack Write a program that implements a stack of
integers using a linked list. typedef struct node { int info; struct node *next; } node; typedef struct stack { node * head; } stack;;

37 Example 2– stack (Cont.) void clear_stack(stack *stk) {
stk->head=NULL; }

38 Example 2– stack (Cont.) // insert item to head, delete from head
void push (int item, stack *stk) { node *newnode; newnode = malloc(sizeof(node)); // dynamically create a new node if (!newnode) printf("No memory is available.\n"); else newnode->info= item; newnode->next= stk->head; stk->head=newnode; } // else }

39 Example 2– stack (Cont.) int top (const stack *stk) {
return (stk->head->info); }

40 Example 2– stack (Cont.) int pop (stack *stk) { int item;
node *deletednode; deletednode=stk->head; item=deletednode->info; stk->head=deletednode->next; free(deletednode); return item; }

41 Example 2– stack (Cont.) int isempty (stack *stk) {
return (stk->head == NULL); }

42 Example 2– stack (Cont.) void output (stack stk) {
printf (" ”); Printf(“All items in the stack: \n"); for (;!isempty(&stk);) printf("%d\n", top(&stk)); stk.head=(stk.head)->next; }

43 Example 2– stack (Cont.) Helpful Code Data

44 Data Structure - Queue Insert (enqueue) at the tail and
Delete (dequeue) at the head.

45 Example - Queue Write a program that implements a queue of
integers using a linked list. struct node { int info; struct node *next; }; typedef struct node node; node *head=NULL, *tail=NULL; // initialize

46 Example – Queue (Cont.) int isempty (node * head) {
return (head == NULL); }

47 Example – Queue (Cont.) // insert item to tail, delete from head
void enqueue (node **ptrhead, node **ptrtail, int item) { node *newnode; // dynamically create a new node newnode = malloc(sizeof(node)); if (!newnode) printf("No memory is available.\n");

48 Example – Queue (Cont.) // insert item to tail, delete from head (Cont.) else { newnode->info= item; newnode->next=NULL; if (isempty(*ptrhead)) // if (!(*ptrhead)) means head is equal to NULL *ptrhead=newnode; (*ptrtail)->next=newnode; *ptrtail=newnode; } // else } // enqueue

49 Example – Queue (Cont.) // delete from head and return info
int dequeue (node **ptrhead, node **ptrtail) { int item; node *deletednode; deletednode=*ptrhead; item=deletednode->info; *ptrhead=deletednode->next; if (isempty(*ptrhead)) *ptrtail=NULL; free(deletednode); return item; }

50 Example – Queue (Cont.) void output (node *head) {
printf (" ”); printf(“All items in the queue: \n"); for (;!isempty(head);) // for (;head != NULL;) printf("%d\n", head->info); head=head->next; }

51 Example – Queue (Cont.) Program (node is int) Code Data
Program (node is a structure) Code

52 Data Structure – Binary Tree
Each (parent) node has at most 2 children Binary search tree: right child node value > parent node value > left child value

53 Example – Binary search tree
Write a program that implements a binary search tree of integers using a linked list. typedef struct node { struct node *left; int info; struct node *right; } node;

54 Example – Binary search tree (Cont.)
typedef struct tree { node * root; } tree;

55 Example – Binary search tree (Cont.)
void clear_tree(tree *bst) { bst->root=NULL; }

56 Example – Binary search tree (Cont.)
void insert (int item, tree *bst) { node *newnode; if (bst->root == NULL) // base case newnode = malloc(sizeof(node)); // dynamically create a new node if (newnode == NULL) printf("No memory is available.\n"); else newnode->info= item; newnode->left= NULL; newnode->right= NULL; bst->root=newnode; printf("%d\n", bst->root->info); }

57 Example – Binary search tree (Cont.)
Else // inductive case { if (item> bst->root->info) bst->root=bst->root->right; else bst->root=bst->root->left; insert(item, bst); } } // insert

58 Example – Binary search tree (Cont.)
Helpful Code Data

59 Practice Given struct student { char lastname[15]; long studentid;
char grade; }; struct student tmp, *p=&tmp; tmp.grade='A'; tmp.lastname="Casanova"; tmp.studentid=910017;

60 Practice (Cont.) Find the values of the following table:
Expression Value ________ _____ tmp.grade tmp.lastname (*p).studentid *p->lastname+1 *(p->lastname+2)

61 Practice (Cont.) Find the values of the following table:
Expression Value ________ _____ tmp.grade ‘A’ tmp.lastname “Casanova” (*p).studentid *p->lastname+1 ‘D’ *(p->lastname+2) ‘s’

62 References Deitel & Deitel: C How to Program, 4th ed.,
Chapter 10 & 12, Prentice Hall

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