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Place of worship – The Church

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1 Place of worship – The Church
Year 7 - Christianity Key people - Jesus Birth: The virgin Mary was visited by the angel Gabriel, who told her she would have a baby. Mary and Joseph then went on their way to Bethlehem and Mary gave birth to Jesus in a Stable. Shepherds and 3 wise men came to visit Jesus . Jesus’ birth was different for many reasons, some include: Mary was a virgin, an angel had told her she would have a baby, a star led people towards the stable and Jesus received 3 special gifts from the wise men. Baptism: Jesus taught that people should be baptised to allow them to repent. Jesus went to the river Jordan one day and asked his cousin John to baptise him. As he was baptised the heavens opened and the spirit of God came down in the version of a dove, and also said “this is my son and I am pleased with him”. This had never happened before! Holy week: This is the last week of Jesus’ life, leading up to his crucifixion. On Palm Sunday, Jesus walked in to Jerusalem on a donkey and the crowds welcomed him with palm leaves. On Thursday Jesus had his last supper with his disciples where he said someone will betray him. That evening Judas betrayed Jesus and he was arrested in the Garden of Gethsemane. On Friday Jesus had his trial and is brought before 4 different people to judge him and decide his sentence. Crucifixion: After his trial, Jesus was sentenced to death by crucifixion. This is often shown through 14 pictures called the ‘stations of the cross’. Resurrection: The day after Jesus was placed in his tomb, 3 women went to visit him but the body was gone! Christians believe Jesus rose from the dead before he went up to heaven to be with God. Key beliefs Parables The Good Samaritan is about a man who stopped to help someone in need when no one else would. It teaches Christians to love their neighbour and help everyone, no matter who they are or where they come from. Jesus taught people in parables to give them a story to relate to and to give them an example of how to be a Christian. Miracles There are lots of stories in the Bible where Jesus performed miracles, for Christians this helps to prove that he was the son of God. E.g. Jesus fed 5000 people with just 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish, Jesus also heals a blind man. Genesis Genesis is the first book in the Bible and contains the creation story. Christians believe the world was created by God in 6 days, and on the 7th day he rested. Key words Frankincense – Incense that is burned during worship. Myrrh – Ointment or oil used in burials to cleanse the body. Baptism – Symbolic cleaning of one’s sins and welcome to the Church. Repent – To change someone's life around for the better. Passover – Jewish festival celebrating the freedom form slavery in Egypt. Messiah – Saviour of the Jewish people. Disciple – A follower of Jesus during his life. Sanhedrin – Jewish authorities, given some power by the Romans. Parable – A story with a religious moral or meaning. Miracle – An unexplainable event. Crucifixion – Punishment used where a person is nailed to a cross. Resurrection – When a dead person comes back to life. Genesis – The first book in the Bible that means ‘beginning’. Creation – The act of creating something and bringing it into existence. Place of worship – The Church The church is where Christians go to worship and pray to God. Traditionally Christians will go to church and pray on a Sunday. All Christians believe in one God, believe that Jesus is the son of God, follow the Bible and worship at a church. But there are different denominations in Christianity which means there are different types of Christian belief. Denominations Catholic: This is the largest denomination of Christianity. The pope is the leader of the Catholic Church. Protestant: Protestants can be more modern in their views denominations. The Archbishop of Canterbury is the leader of the Protestant Church.

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