American Football. Goal: Win the Game Time for Game - 4 Quarters, Half Time Show 2 Teams, 11 people per Team Offense - has the ball Defense - stops Offense,

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Presentation on theme: "American Football. Goal: Win the Game Time for Game - 4 Quarters, Half Time Show 2 Teams, 11 people per Team Offense - has the ball Defense - stops Offense,"— Presentation transcript:

1 American Football

2 Goal: Win the Game Time for Game - 4 Quarters, Half Time Show 2 Teams, 11 people per Team Offense - has the ball Defense - stops Offense, tries to steal ball The Field - 100 Yards, 50 Yard Line + - Goal is to Advance the Ball, to Score Points

3 The Field Ten, 10-Yard Segments Two end zones 5040 30201030 20 10 END ZONE Side lineGoal line Yard line

4 Scoring Points Touchdown - 6 points Extra Point: try for 1 or 2 more points after scoring a touch down Field Goal - 3 points any time by kicking the ball through the uprights Safety - 2 points for tackling the offensive player in his own end zone

5 Scoring - What Happened? Red Team vs. White Team 1st Quarter: Red0 White07 2nd Quarter:147 177 3rd Quarter:1710 4th Quarter1716 1719 WIN!

6 The Game Starts - Kickoff (coin toss) Offense can move the ball ahead by –Running the ball – advance or loss –Passing the ball – complete or incomplete –Kicking the ball – hands over control 4 downs to move the ball 10 yards Line of Scrimmage Making a First Down, Not Making It First and 10, Do It Again

7 Typical Sequence of Plays Red team kicks off to White, fielded on 5 yard line, run to 15, tackled 1st and 10 White (needs to get to 25 yard line) 1st down: run, gain of 4, ball at 19, 2nd and 6 2nd down: pass incomplete 3rd down: pass complete for 12 yards, 1st down on the 31 1st down: run for 13, another 1st down on 44

8 Typical Sequence of Plays 1st down on 44: run for no gain 2nd down: incomplete pass 3rd down: incomplete pass 4th down: punt to 15, runback to 20, Red ball 1st down: pass for 15 yards, on 35 1st down: run for 28 yards, on 37 1st down: run, loss of 3, 2nd and 13 2nd down: pass - touchdown! Extra Point: successful kick, 7-0

9 Unusual Events Fumble - the offensive ball carrier drops the ball; either team can recover it. If defense recovers, then they become the offense. Interception - the defense catches a pass intended for an offensive player Sack - the quarterback is tackled behind the line of scrimmage for a loss of yards

10 The Positions Offense –Center/Hiker, Linemen –Quarterback, Running Backs –Receivers, –Punter, Kicker Defense –Linemen, –Linebackers, –Safeties

11 Playing the Game Offensive Team huddles, Quarterback calls a play –Run play - to the right or left, says which running back he will give the ball to –Pass play - which receiver will receive a pass –Blockers – job is to prevent the other team from coming close to the quarterback or ball carrier Touch vs. Tackle - we will play Touch 3 second rush rule - you must count, wait

12 Penalties Offsides - you must be on your side of the imaginary line between the teams Holding - offensive players cannot grab and hold the defensive players Interference - defensive players cannot interfere with the offense receivers before the ball is thrown

13 Lets Play ! Choose two teams Pick a quarterback (or rotate) Coaches will help you pick plays Referee will make sure you play fair

14 American Football Advanced

15 Defense Man To Man –Each person chooses to defend someone on the other team. –Goal is to prevent your man from receiving the ball. –If they have the ball, you have to stop them from moving down the field by tackling (touching) them –If they dont have the ball, you can not stop them from moving. Zone –Each person covers an area of the field. –Example: 2 Line + 3 Backfield

16 Offense Passing - Option A –Down & Out Run 10 yards, turn toward sideline –Down & In Run 10 yards, turn toward center of field. –Hook Run 15 yards, turn around quickly and catch ball. –Hook & Go Run 15 yards, turn around, turn around, run!!! 5040 30201030 20 10 END ZONE

17 Offense Passing - Option B –Post Run straight 10 yards, then diagonally toward the Goal –Flag Run straight 10 yards, then diagonally toward sideline 5040 30201030 20 10 END ZONE

18 Offense Passing - Option C –Diagonal - Run 45 Degrees, look for pass –Deep - Run all the way out, look for the pass 5040 30201030 20 10 END ZONE

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