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Talents Gather Please click on image to play hyper link.

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1 Talents Gather Please click on image to play hyper link

2 Talents The purpose of the tutor reflections are to
Gather The purpose of the tutor reflections are to 1. Enable staff and students to reflect upon the schools vision and values. Provide staff and students with an opportunity to explore the impact of faith and the teachings of Jesus in today’s world. (SIAMS Framework Nov 2017)

3 Talents Word One day a very wealthy man was going to go on a trip. He called his three servants together and told them that he would be gone for a long time and that he was leaving them in charge of all of his wealth. He divided up his wealth and gave it to the three servants.

4 Talents To the first servant, he gave five talents.
Word To the first servant, he gave five talents. To the second servant, he gave two talents. To the third servant, he gave one talent.

5 Talents Word The first servant took the five talents his master had given him, put it to work and earned five more talents. The second also invested his two talents wisely and earned two more talents. The third servant took his one talent and buried it in the ground for safe keeping.

6 Talents Word When the master returned, he was very pleased when the first two servants told him that they had doubled his money. "Well done," he said. "Because you have been faithful with what I have given you, you will be trusted with much more."

7 Talents Word "How about you?" he asked the third servant. "What did you do with the talent that I left with you?" The third servant said to the master, "I was afraid, so I went out and hid your treasure in the ground so that it would be safe.”

8 Talents Reflect In this parable the third servant was afraid to use their talent. Do you sometimes feel like the third servant in the story? Do you sometimes find yourself comparing your talents to others? Maybe sometimes we might even be tempted to bury our talents, and tell no one about them.

9 Talents Reflect The following quote by author Marianne Williamson (famously recited by Nelson Mandela) challenges us not to be afraid, not to hide our talents but to ‘let our own light shine.’ Please click on image to play hyper link

10 Talents Dismiss May we acknowledge that sometimes it’s ‘our light not our darkness that most frightens us.’ May we come to know that we really are ‘brilliant, gorgeous, talented and fabulous.’ May we begin to see that ‘as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.’

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