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Ben Smith and Laurie Williams

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1 Ben Smith and Laurie Williams
Using SQL Hotspots in a Prioritization Heuristic for Detecting All Types of Web Application Vulnerabilities Ben Smith and Laurie Williams 1

2 2 Easy for non-technical hackers (script-kiddies) can do this.
Selling control for US Government websites that the hacker got by using a SQL injection, a common form of web app vulnerability, to be discussed. Is a form of input validation vulnerability. 2

3 Input Validation Vulnerabilities
There is a plethora of proposed mitigation techniques, no solution eliminates all vulnerabilities. In the CWE/SANS Top 25 for 2009. Continue to be in the CWE/SANS Top 25 for 2010. Also indicated by SANS as the most common attacks for compromising web sites. 3

4 How do we stop this? Development organizations do not have the time or resources to detect vulnerabilities in every source file before release. Validation and verification must be prioritized to start with vulnerable files first. SQL hotspots may help with this prioritization process. Though typically associated with SQL injection, hotspots may be useful for predicting any type of vulnerability. 4

5 Goal The goal of this research is to improve the prioritization of security fortification efforts by investigating the ability of SQL hotspots to be used as the basis for a heuristic for the prediction of all vulnerability types. 5

6 Agenda What are SQL hotspots? Case Studies
Projects Methodology Results: Eight Hypotheses about Hotspots Conclusion: A heuristic for prioritizing V&V efforts 6

7 SQL Hotspot A SQL Hotspot is any point in the application source code where the program interacts with a database management system. Typically indicated with mysql_query() or other library functions in PHP. 7

8 SQL Hotspots (2) $username = $_POST[‘username’];
$password = $_POST[‘password’]; $result = mysql_query( “select * from users where username = ‘$username’ AND password = ‘$password’”); $firstresult = mysql_fetch_array($result); $role = $firstresult[‘role’]; $_COOKIE[‘userrole’] = $role 8

9 Study Subjects WordPress WikkaWiki Advanced blog management
74% bloggers run WordPress Uses MySQL and PHP 138,967 SLOC WikkaWiki Wiki management system 532 websites are using WikkaWiki 46,025 SLOC 9

10 Trac is a bug tracking system that links issue reports to repository changes.

11 CWE Classifications WordPress WikkaWiki 11
Manually classified issue reports with CWE identifiers. 11

12 Tracing Vulnerabilities to Files
WikkaWiki WordPress Analyzed issue reports to trace vulnerabilities to files within releases. X-axis is the release, the y-axis is a histogram of the number of times a file was changed due to a vulnerability. 12

13 Detecting Hotspots First we detected SQL hotspots using a regular exp matcher. We also included a measure of SLOC. 13

14 Prediction Model Contained two terms: no. hotspots, SLOC
Logistic regression Trained on releases 1…N, tested on release N+1. (1.0 to 1.3, tested on 1.4). tp, tn, fp, fn 14

15 Descriptive Statistics
WordPress WikkaWiki Releases Analyzed Nine Six Security reports analyzed 97 61 Vulnerable files 26% (85 / 326) 29% (44 / 209) Average hotspots 255 92 Average files having at least one hotspot 14.2% 8.42% Used open source tools R to test statistical hypotheses, and Weka for model evaluation. 15

16 Hypotheses about Files
H1: The more hotspots a file contains per line of code, the more likely it is that the file contains any type of web application vulnerability (Logit, p < 0.05). H2: The more hotspots a file contains, the more times that file was changed due to any kind of vulnerability (SLR, p < , Adjusted R2 = , ). 16

17 Hypotheses about Issue Reports
H3: Input validation vulnerabilities result in a higher number average repository revisions than any other type of vulnerability. (Consistent with SANS report). Mann-Whitney-Wilcoxon Test (p < 0.05) 17

18 Hypotheses about Prediction
H4: Hotspots can be used to predict files that will contain any type of web application vulnerability in the current release (predictive model that does better than a random guess). H5: The more hotspots a file contains, the more likely that file will be vulnerable in the next release (coefficients on predictive model). 18

19 Model Performance - WordPress
Random guess values actually an average of precision/recall over ten trials. 19

20 Hypotheses Comparing Projects
H6: The average number of hotspots per file is more variable in WordPress than WikkaWiki. (F-test, p < ) H7: WordPress suffered a higher proportion of input validation vulnerabilities than WikkaWiki. (Chi-Squared Test, p = ) H8: In WordPress, more lines of code that were changed due to security issues were hotspots than in WikkaWiki. (Chi-Squared Test, p < ) 20

21 Limitations We can never find or know all vulnerabilities.
Our definition of a hotspot may be insufficient or incorrect. Issue reports were subject to human error both in reporting and in analyzing. We are limited to these two open source projects. 21

22 Conclusion Hotspots can be used in a V&V prioritization heuristic as follows: More SQL and non-SQL vulnerabilities will be found in files that contain more hotspots per line of code. Input validation vulnerabilities: prominent problem, no single solution. Separating the concern of database interaction is associated with a decrease in the proportion of reported input validation vulnerabilities. 22

23 Thank you! Any questions? 23

24 Precision & Recall A measure of the level of exactness exhibited by the model The number of vulnerable files the model retrieves. 24

25 SQL Injection Attacks ‘ OR 1=1 -- $username = $_POST[‘username’];
$password = $_POST[‘password’]; $result = mysql_query( “select * from users where username = ‘’ OR 1=1 ---’ AND password = ‘$password’”); $firstresult = mysql_fetch_array($result); $role = $firstresult[‘role’]; $_COOKIE[‘userrole’] = $role ‘ OR 1=1 -- 25

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