WW1 The Battle Front.

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Presentation on theme: "WW1 The Battle Front."— Presentation transcript:

1 WW1 The Battle Front

2 The Schlieffen Plan Germany planned to defeat France quickly by invading through Belgium, Luxembourg and Holland and then turn to the eastern front for a major offensive on Russia.

3 Life in the trenches My memories are of sheer terror and the horror of seeing men sobbing because they had trench foot that had turned gangrenous. They knew they were going to lose a leg. Memories of lice in your clothing driving you crazy. Filth and lack of privacy. Of huge rats that showed no fear of you as they stole your food rations. And cold deep wet mud everywhere. And of course, corpses. I'd never seen a dead body before I went to war. But in the trenches the dead are lying all around you. You could be talking to the fellow next to you when suddenly he'd be hit by a sniper and fall dead beside you. And there he‘d stay for days. Arthur Savage, Age 92

4 Ideal Trench



7 Life in the trenches

8 Life in the trenches

9 Foot Inspection

10 Trench Foot

11 Trench Warfare View “Trench Warfare in World War 1 THE GREAT WAR Special.”

12 Trench Life? With a partner, discuss what would it be like to live in a trench? Remember… Rats the size of cats, millions of them Trench Foot Enemy machine guns, snipers, artillery, tanks, airplanes, mines, etc. Mud and water everywhere Cold and never enough food


14 Passchendaele

15 Vimy Ridge

16 Vimy Ridge

17 Machine Gun at Vimy

18 Barbed Wire

19 Passchendaele

20 Flanders Fields

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