TransCAD Creating Maps 2019/2/28.

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Presentation on theme: "TransCAD Creating Maps 2019/2/28."— Presentation transcript:

1 TransCAD Creating Maps 2019/2/28

2 Creating Maps TransCAD draws maps using data from geographic files stored on your computer, CD-ROM, or file server. When you open one or more geographic files, TransCAD creates a new map window in which to display the layers. You can then use commands and tools to change the geographic area that is shown on the map. You can also use Create-a-Map WizardTM to automatically select the appropriate geographic files to display an area of your choosing. 2019/2/28

3 Creating a Map There are three ways that you create a new map with TransCAD: Use Create-a-Map WizardTM. TransCAD automatically chooses the appropriate geographic data files to display any location of your choice. Open an existing map in the Map Librarian. TransCAD automatically opens the map for a location of your choice. Manually choose one or more geographic files. TransCAD opens a new map that displays only the files that you have chosen. TransCAD comes with dozens of different geographic files, and lets you create and use your own files too. Each geographic file contains a number of map features, or simply features. 2019/2/28

4 Using Create-a-Map WizardTM
Create-a-Map Wizard lets you create maps in four different ways: General Purpose Map – TransCAD chooses one or more geographic files based on the area you want to see, and makes a general purpose map like the ones you might find in a street map, road atlas, map book, or telephone book. Open a Geographic File – You choose a geographic file and the area you want to see, and TransCAD opens the file and zooms to the desired location. Map of My Own Data – You choose a dBASE file or other tabular data file that contains your own data, and TransCAD looks through the file and figures out how to use the data to make a map. Combine Existing Maps – You create a new map by mixing and matching the layers that appear in your other maps. 2019/2/28

5 Start Create-a-Map Wizard

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8 Using the Map Librarian
When you use the Map Librarian, you choose: The map library A category of maps within the map library One or more maps from that category The marker that sets the map location 2019/2/28

9 Open Maps with the Map Librarian

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11 Creating a Map by Opening Geographic Files
When you open one or more geographic files, TransCAD creates a new map and displays features from the files as layers in the map. You can open geographic files directly from one of the TransCAD CDs, from a hard disk or file server, or any combination of these. 2019/2/28

12 Create a Map by Opening Geographic Files

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14 Moving Around a Map A paper map shows a limited geographic area. You cannot change the area that is shown or the size of individual features on the map. A TransCAD map, however, is dynamic. You can focus in on any specific area you want, and change the map so that the features you want to see are shown at the size you want to see them. You do this by changing the map’s scale and center. 2019/2/28

15 Scale and Center Large scale maps make each feature look larger, and show a smaller geographic area. Small scale maps make each feature look smaller, and show a larger geographic area. The center of a map is the location of the middle point of the map. 2019/2/28

16 Using the Map Locator 2019/2/28

17 Setting the Scale to a Value
Ratio – A scale of 1:1,000 means that every feature on the map is shown at one thousandth of its actual size. Miles per Inch – A scale of one inch = 100 miles means that every inch on the map corresponds to 100 miles on the earth 2019/2/28

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19 Saving, Closing, and Retrieving Maps

20 Saving and Retrieving Workspaces

21 Organizing Maps in a Map Library
Libraries is for creating, adding, or removing map libraries Contents is for adding, changing, or removing categories and maps within the current map library 2019/2/28

22 Configure Map Libraries

23 Change the Contents of a Map Library

24 Using other Geographic File Formats
TransCAD provides direct support for these geographic file formats: Records with a coordinate for a point, in any ODBC database Points, lines, and areas stored in an Oracle Version 7 (Spatial Data Option) or Version 8i ( Oracle Spatial) database. ESRI Shapefiles MapInfo TAB files 2019/2/28

25 Using ESRI Shapefiles as Map Layers

26 2019/2/28

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