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Embedding Esoko to develop MIS for the Agro Input Sector in Eastern and Southern Africa CRS ICT4D Symposium – Lusaka, 29 March 2011 | Patrice Annequin.

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Presentation on theme: "Embedding Esoko to develop MIS for the Agro Input Sector in Eastern and Southern Africa CRS ICT4D Symposium – Lusaka, 29 March 2011 | Patrice Annequin."— Presentation transcript:

1 Embedding Esoko to develop MIS for the Agro Input Sector in Eastern and Southern Africa CRS ICT4D Symposium – Lusaka, 29 March 2011 | Patrice Annequin & Bridget Okumu

2 A regional MIS for agro inputs Open & collaborative MIS For agro input markets in East Africa Coordinated by IFDC with public, private and donor communities support Uganda UNADA | EADN Great Lakes CATALIST | SEW Mozambique MIM | MADD Tanzania TAGMARK | EADN Kenya AGMARK | EADN Malawi RUMARK | MLI Zambia ADAPT Rwanda RADD | PREFER EACSTAR COMESA ACTESA | COMRAP

3 AMITSA goes mobile in 2011 In 2010 : network setup 8 countries Retail prices for agro inputs 150 agro dealers trained to use Excel templates Reports on web + mailing list In 2011 : integration of Esoko Mobi for price collection SMS push + alerts for distribution

4 Sharing roles & tools Methodologies Partnerships and set up costs Profiling people Non prices data and information Trainings & TA Collect prices, offers Broadcast information by SMS Conduct surveys and M&E Offer low cost MIS for SMEs, groups and associations

5 Simpler use and wider reach 150 agro dealers sending prices from their shops AMITSA site Excel Price reports Java app Esoko page AMITSA Website 1,000+ visitors AMITSA Website 1,000+ visitors AMITSA Newsletter 500 subscribers AMITSA Newsletter 500 subscribers Mobile Alerts SMS push 10,000+ agro dealers Millions of farmers Data Sharing MIS / stats sites Partners sites Data Sharing MIS / stats sites Partners sites

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