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4. Prelab Radical Bromination of p-Toluic acid

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Presentation on theme: "4. Prelab Radical Bromination of p-Toluic acid"— Presentation transcript:

1 4. Prelab Radical Bromination of p-Toluic acid

2 Radical Bromination of p-Toluic acid
You will be conducting two different experiments: Radical bromination of p-toluic acid 2. Test of radical bromination of different hydrocarbons Halogenes (chlorine and bromine) can react with saturated hydrocarbons only via free radical substitution reaction. Alkyl or cycloalkyl halides are formed.


4 Part 2: Test of radical bromination of hydrocarbons/ radical stabilty
The hydrocarbons that will be tested are cyclohexane, methylcyclohexane, toluene (methyl benzene), ethylbenzene, isopropylbenzene (cumene), and t-butylbenzene. Radical stability 3° benzylic > 2° benzylic > 1° benzylic > 3° aliphatic > 2° aliphatic > 1° aliphatic > aromatic

5 Safety and hazards: Bromine N-bromosuccinimide Benzoyl peroxide Potassium bromate Hydrochloric acid Chlorobenzene Petroleum ether Hydrocarbons (general) Benzyl halides (general)

6 Bromine Formation / Bromide-Bromate- Reaction
5 KBr + KBrO3 + 6 HCl  3 Br2 + 3 H2O + 6 KCl

7 Exp. 4 - Synthesis of 4-(bromomethyl)benzoic acid
Technique 3 – Reaction Methods

8 Exp. 4 - Synthesis of 4-(bromomethyl)benzoic acid
Technique 3 – Reaction Methods

9 Exp. 4 - Synthesis of 4-(bromomethyl)benzoic acid
Technique 8 – Simple Distillation

10 Exp. 4 - Synthesis of 4-(bromomethyl)benzoic acid
Technique 7 – Extractions, Separations, and Drying Agents

11 Exp. 4 - Synthesis of 4-(bromomethyl)benzoic acid
Technique 7 – Extractions, Separations, and Drying Agents

12 Exp. 13B - Synthesis of 4-(bromomethyl)benzoic acid
Technique 7 – Extractions, Separations, and Drying Agents

13 Exp. 13B - Synthesis of 4-(bromomethyl)benzoic acid
Technique 7 – Extractions, Separations, and Drying Agents

14 Exp. 4 - Synthesis of 4-(bromomethyl)benzoic acid
Technique 7 – Extractions, Separations, and Drying Agents

15 Exp. 4 - Synthesis of 4-(bromomethyl)benzoic acid
Technique 7 – Extractions, Separations, and Drying Agents

16 Exp. 4 - Synthesis of 4-(bromomethyl)benzoic acid
Technique 7 – Extractions, Separations, and Drying Agents

17 Exp. 4 - Synthesis of 4-(bromomethyl)benzoic acid
Technique 7 – Extractions, Separations, and Drying Agents

18 Exp. 4 - Synthesis of 4-(bromomethyl)benzoic acid
Technique 7 – Extractions, Separations, and Drying Agents Extraction: Supposed system: K = 10, 50 mg compound in 1 mL water (solvent 1) 3 x extraction with 0.5 mL ether (solvent) each in comparison to 1 x extraction with 1.5 mL ether x = amount remaining in the aqueous phase Distribution coefficient

19 Exp. 4 - Synthesis of 4-(bromomethyl)benzoic acid
Technique 7 – Extractions, Separations, and Drying Agents

20 Exp. 4 - Synthesis of 4-(bromomethyl)benzoic acid
Technique 7 – Extractions, Separations, and Drying Agents

21 Exp. 4 - Synthesis of 4-(bromomethyl)benzoic acid
Technique 7 – Extractions, Separations, and Drying Agents

22 Exp. 4 - Synthesis of 4-(bromomethyl)benzoic acid
Appendix 3 – IR Spectroscopy wavenumber unit: cm-1

23 Exp. 4 – Synthesis of 4-(bromomethyl)benzoic acid
Appendix 3 – IR Spectroscopy

24 Exp. 4 - Synthesis of 4-(bromomethyl)benzoic acid Appendix 3 – IR Spectroscopy

25 Exp. 4 - Synthesis of 4-(bromomethyl)benzoic acid
Appendix 3 – IR Spectroscopy

26 Exp. 4 - Synthesis of 4-(bromomethyl)benzoic acid
Appendix 3 – IR Spectroscopy

27 Exp. 4 - Synthesis of 4-(bromomethyl)benzoic acid
Appendix 3 – IR Spectroscopy IR Spectra of 4-methylbenzoic acid and 4-(bromomethyl)benzoic acid


29 Exp. 4 - Synthesis of 4-(bromomethyl)benzoic acid
NMR- Spectra of p-Toluic acid

30 Exp. 4 - Synthesis of 4-(bromomethyl)benzoic acid
NMR- Spectra (calculated)

31 4-methylbenzoic acid 4-(bromomethyl)benzoic acid

32 4-methylbenzoic acid 4-(bromomethyl)benzoic acid

33 Exp. 4 - Synthesis of 4-(bromomethyl)benzoic acid
Appendix 3 – IR Spectroscopy

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