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Roll of Thunder, hear my cry- chapter 11-12

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1 Roll of Thunder, hear my cry- chapter 11-12
Mildred D. Taylor Created by: Tiffany Helfer 7th Grade ELA

2 Quick write November 28, 2015 What would it take for you to forgive T.J. for telling on Mama to Mr. Granger and getting her fired? Explain your reasons.

3 Chapter 9 Vocabulary Lingered- stayed longer; remained
Persnickety- obsessed with detail; picky Amenities- attractive features that make something more pleasing Lilting- saying or doing something with a rise and fall in the voice, often cheerfully Rile- to bother; irritate

4 Chapter 9 Top 10

5 Chapter 9 Theme Quotes

6 Chapter 10 Vocabulary Reluctantly- with great hesitation Pointedly-with deliberate emphasis; purposely Ambled- walked casually, easily

7 Chapter 10 Top 10

8 Chapter 10 Quotes

9 Quick Write Tuesday, November 29, 2016
How could it be a bad thing for Papa to leave and go work on the railroad? In what ways is it bad timing? What might happen when he's gone? Explain what emotions are running through the family when they think about his absence.

10 Chapter 11 and 12 vocabulary
finality- quality of being final Despicable- something that is horrible; appalling Rasped-spoke in a rough way Crescendo- the peak of an increase in loudness Acrid- stinging or biting Adamant- stubborn; unable or unwilling to change Remnants- small parts still left of something; remains

11 Chapter 11 and 12 Top 10

12 Chapter 11 and 12 Quotes

13 Quick write Wednesday November 30,2015
Is it right for so many of them to stop their shopping rebellion in Vicksburg because of the threats against their income and their dad and owing more money and going on the chain gang? Should they quit the rebellion? Why or why not?

14 Quick write Thursday, December 1, 2016
Papa teaches Cassie a lesson about the little tree and the big tree. What does the lesson show? How does the little tree and its growth match up with their lives?

15 Quick write Friday, December 2, 2015
So let's get this straight, those two Simms boys got T.J. to go rob the store and steal the gun, then they turned T.J. in and lied about being with him. Why do you think those boys got T.J. to rob the store with them? Whose idea do you think it was to rob the store? What if an adult had the idea and got the boys to do it...Which adults do you think would want T.J. in trouble? Why?

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