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Integrated Territorial Investment

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1 Integrated Territorial Investment
06 March 2013

2 Draft guidance Based on Presidency compromise text – "nothing is agreed until everything is agreed" The extent of delegation of tasks to urban authorities The extension of ITIs to EAFRD and EMFF as proposed by the Council The guidance fiche will be adjusted following the expert meeting

3 Objectives To provide a comprehensive understanding of the conditions set out in the legal framework Addressing the questions that have already arisen Main elements/sections Basic features of ITIs Programming requirements Delegation of implementing tasks (+ audit and control) Monitoring and reporting ITIs within ETC programmes

4 Basic features A voluntary tool for Member States
Must be based on an integrated territorial strategy Can cover any sub-national territory as well as multiple categories of regions Draws on funding from at least two priority axes Mono –fund or multi-fund [complementary participation of EAFRD and EMFF] Can include any form of support (including FIs) Can include elements implemented based on community-led local development

5 Strategic programming requirements
Important to elaborate an approach that ensures the coordinated use of the ESI Funds Partnership Agreement to set out the approach to integrated territorial development including the general approach to the use of ITIs – (types of) areas where ITIs will be used, the ESI funds to be implemented through ITIs, basic implementation and coordination arrangements between ESI Funds Operational programmes to set out where and how ITIs will be used, the indicative (overall) financial allocation to ITIs from each priority axis, the arrangements for coordination between MAs concerned + elements related to integrated actions for sustainable urban development

6 Delegation of tasks, control and audit
Delegation of implementation tasks is not mandatory (possible exception for integrated actions for sustainable urban development) Delegation of MA and CA tasks=delegation of tasks to an intermediate body All general rules and principles as regards the delegation of management tasks apply The arrangements for delegation, management and control require careful consideration and coordination – simpler if the extent of delegation from all MAs is the same, if control and audit are coordinated

7 Monitoring and reporting
ITI is an implementation tool, not an objective in itself ITI must contribute to the achievement of the thematic objectives, investment priorities and specific objectives set out in the contributing programmes Financial and indicator data is traced back to contributing priority axes Specific indicators can be used at management level to assess the implementation of individual ITIs

8 ETC and ITI Use of ITIs is possible especially in CBC programmes
ETC specifies are very few – general rules and principles apply Cross –border impact must be preserved Delegation of implementation tasks – only to joint bodies (EGTC or other joint body)

9 Written comments

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