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Our World Everything on earth can be grouped as: LIVING NON-LIVING

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Presentation on theme: "Our World Everything on earth can be grouped as: LIVING NON-LIVING"— Presentation transcript:


2 Our World Everything on earth can be grouped as: LIVING NON-LIVING
Living things can be put into 2 groups: PLANTS AND ANIMALS

3 Living Things For something to be classified as living it MUST obey the 7 characteristics of life! They are……………………..

4 1. Growth All living things grow As we get older we grow taller
All the animals and plants can grow Non-Living Things e.g. A book – can’t grow

5 2. Nutrition All living things need food this process is called NUTRITION Most Green Plants make their own food from sunlight in a process called PHOTOSYNTHESIS

6 2. Nutrition All animals must eat food to get their energy
Carnivores – eat only other animals Herbivores – eat only plants Omnivores – Eat both animals and plants

7 3. Respiration Plants and Animals need oxygen gas to release energy from food in a process called RESPIRATION Animals get their oxygen by breathing in and out

8 3. Respiration Plants get the necessary gases by let it pass in and out of its LEAVES

9 4. Movement All living things can move
kangaroos jump, fish swim, birds fly Flowers open in the daylight and close at night

10 5. Reproduction All living things have the ability to produce a new young generation Mammals produce babies Fish lay eggs Tall Oak Trees grow from acorns Apple trees grow from apple pips

11 6. Response All living things can respond to changes in the environment If you are scared a common RESPONSE is to cry Plants RESPOND to sunlight by making their branches grow towards it

12 7. Excretion Excretion means getting rid of poisonous waste substances from inside a living thing Animals breathe out to excrete poisonous Carbon Dioxide We sweat to remove excess salt and water

13 7. Excretion Plants excrete their waste substances through tiny little holes in their leaves

14 RECAP TIME…… What 2 groups can all objects be divided into?
LIVING AND NON-LIVING All living things must obey the following 7 characteristics….. Growth, Nutrition, Respiration, Movement, Reproduction, Response, Excretion An animal that eats other animals is called?

15 RECAP TIME ….. A carnivore An animal that eats only plants is called?
A Herbivore An animal that eats both is called? An Omnivore All living things can be divided into 2 categories….. PLANTS AND ANIMALS

16 Classifying Animals We can further classify animals into 2 main groups
Vertebrates and Invertebrates

17 Vertebrates Vertebrates are animals which have a backbone
From this backbone all the other bones are supported The name comes from the bones of the spine called the VERTEBRAE

18 Invertebrates Invertebrates are animals which have no backbone
In fact they have no bones at all!

19 For U 2 DO …… Vertebrates 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Copy this table into your copy and complete with examples Invertebrates 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

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