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Presentation on theme: "TECHNICAL COMMUNICATION 1"— Presentation transcript:

Types of reports

2 We are writing reports As evaluation As summary of findings
As analysis of data and info As presentation of proposal/ recommendation

3 Who should read our reports
PRIMARY audience Secondary audience Others audience

4 Progress report/status report
Types of reports Progress report/status report Field trip report Inspection report

5 Cont… Accident Report

6 PROGRESS REPORT To show how much work has been completed
Discusses the remaining tasks should be done/completed List of recommendation

7 Basic area of a progress report
Introduction/ purpose statement Work scheduled problems Work completed

8 FIELD TRIP is a journey by a group of people to a place away from their normal environment. purpose of the trip is usually observation for education or non-experimental research aim of this research is to observe the subject in its natural state and possibly collect samples.

9 Example of field trips A visit to a bakery A visit to a zoo
A visit to shopping malls A visit to a football match Click sample

10 Field trip report should include:
Intro Trip objective Methods Results/findings Conclusion Sample of reports

11 Inspection report Explain the condition or suitability of certain area
highlighting the exact details of current condition Is normally needed to make a decision Some analysis/ recommendation Areas of improvement Click sample

12 (Take pictures of the Evidence)
Task In a duration of not more than 30 minutes, choose an area around UTHM –find the nearest area and do an inspection of the area and report the findings to your classmates. (Take pictures of the Evidence)

13 WHAT TO LOOK AT Introduction – what was being inspected, who was involved, where and where the inspection took place Objectives – why the inspection was necessary Methods – how the inspection was carried out Results / Findings – what the inspection revealed (the details), e.g. conditions or quality of equipment, and deficiencies or conditions that need to be corrected or redone Conclusion – a general statement of results, perhaps with a recommendation

14 WRITING THE REPORT Introduction
The inspection was conducted in one of the buildings in UTHM area. As a technician, I was required to inspect the flaw conditions of the classroom as complained by the users. The inspection was done within an hour and some observation was recorded. Objectives The inspection was necessary to be done in order to find out any defects in any of the classroom identified before they are being used by the students. This was to ensure the safety of the students so that they can study in a conducive environment. Action should be taken immediately after the inspection. Methods The inspection was video recorded and the obtained data was jotted down in the necessary forms. The data was then analysed and tabulated into graphs accordingly. The report was later sent to the respective person (technician, stake holder, etc) for future action.

15 Cont…. Results / Findings
Based on the inspection, it was found that the ceiling has two big holes that appears to be hazardous to the users especially when it rains. It was also stated that ten students’ chairs were broken. Immediate action should be taken, such as replacing the broken furniture and fixing the ceiling. Conclusion The results show that the problems should be fixed for the safety of all users. It is important for users to make complaints regarding malfunction facilities, so that necessary action could be taken immediately. For the respective person, they should be aware of the conditions by making several inspections before the buildings or facilities can be fully utilised.




19 CLASS ACTIVITIES After gathering the information and taking pictures- share your findings with the rest of the groups.= intro/methods/objectives/findings etc Put your pictures for a slide presentation- Document your findings according to your creativity-small scrapbook/newsletter/report (submit after mid- sem break- 2 weeks time: latest 4 Nov )

20 Accident report Requires the writers to explain in detail on what had happened Normally in printed form To inform the authority or management of any event that had happened.

21 End of session… Thank you for your attention 


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