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Aboriginal Spirituality Post 1945

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1 Aboriginal Spirituality Post 1945
Totemism Initiation Rituals Associated with Death © Karen Devine 2008

2 Aboriginal Spirituality
Aboriginal spirituality contains many rituals and these relate to the Dreaming. All rituals contain: Sacred symbols Songs Chants Some symbols are permanently recorded in cave paintings, yet others are only used temporarily in each ceremony.

3 Totemism A totem identifies one’s kinship line.
Before birth a person is given a totem that lasts for their life. The totem determines the rights and duties of a person in the tribe and their place within it. Each person has a duty to preserve the creature or element of the land which is their totem. Birth represents the return of the ancestral spirits to earth.

4 Initiation Initiation marks a transition from childhood to adulthood.
The initiation ceremony involves: Passing on sacred knowledge and culture Circumcision, tooth avulsion or other bodily operations The marking and painting of the body Physical testing of the person A period of seclusion

5 Initiation Initiation practices vary, yet they are all spiritual and sacred in nature. At initiation the person is given a new name and a symbol.

6 Rituals Associated With Death
Death is only the end of the present life. Rituals associated with death and burial vary significantly between tribes and include: burial, cremation, burial mounds, tree platforms, mummification and rock shelters.

7 Rituals Associated With Death
Upon death a person’s spirit is said to return to the place of the spirit ancestors where it remains or is reincarnated. The ability of the spirit to travel is affected by the performance of sacred funeral rituals.

8 Rituals Associated With Death
Spirits of the dead are greatly feared. A dead person’s belongings are burnt or destroyed and the whole tribe may move away. A person is said to have 2 spirits and one of those may choose to remain behind and cause trouble for the family.

9 Rituals Associated With Death
At the funeral, care is taken to: not say the person’s name prevent the spirit from following the mourners home (eg: via a smokescreen) Sing and chant the spirit to rest.


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