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Education Theory and Practice B ETP520S

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1 Education Theory and Practice B ETP520S
Faculty of Human Sciences Department of Education and Languages Dr Leena Kloppers T: E:

2 Objectives At the end of this lesson you should be able to:
define Kirkpatrick Model design evaluation forms based on the model

3 Activity Why is evaluation important?

4 Kirkpatrick Model Model developed by Donald Kirkpatrick to evaluate the effectiveness of learning solutions.


6 Level 1: Reaction How do the trainees react to the training they receive. A common way to measure this is a survey after a training –  what did the participant think of the training they received? Did they find it useful?

7 Level 2: Learning Here’s what the trainee actually learned from the training. Common ways to measure this are post-tests or hands-on assignments that demonstrate the person learned a new skill

8 Level 3: Behaviour Next is to discover if trainees actually used those new skills in their day-to-day jobs, i.e. incorporated it into their behavior. Common ways to measure this are in-field inspections or evaluations from managers.

9 Level 4: Results  Finally, what did this changed behavior result in? For example, is the industry happy with the quality of work or do they still have to re-train them?

10 How do you think we should apply this model?
Activity How do you think we should apply this model?

11 How to apply the model Start with level four and go in reverse.

12 Why should we apply the model in reverse?


14 Apply the model in reverse to your context
Activity Apply the model in reverse to your context

15 Possible Questions for Level 1
How did you find the lesson? How knowledgeable was the trainer? How would you rate quality of the presentation? What can be improved in the quality of the presentation? How would you rate the quality of the training facility? What can be improved about the training facility? What did you enjoy about the lesson? What do you still find difficult to understand from the lesson?

16 Questions for Level 2 Focus on questions related to objectives of the lesson

17 Activity: Identify 5 questions for Level 1 and Level 2 each in relation to your assignment
a) how trainees felt about the lesson b) what was missing from the lessons presented c) how engaged did the trainees feel during the lesson d) what knowledge, skills and attitude did the trainees acquire e) how well were the learning objectives achieved f) how can the lessons be improved to ensure that the trainees are engaged and lesson objectives are achieved

18 Thank you Questions?

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