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Contact, Conflict, & Cooperation

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Presentation on theme: "Contact, Conflict, & Cooperation"— Presentation transcript:

1 Contact, Conflict, & Cooperation
European arrival in North America

2 Curiosity question What motivates an adventurer?

3 Current events: If your birthday is between ________________ you must find a story that is ______________________. January-April: International May-August: National September-December: Local We will pick 10 at random to discuss.

4 Comparison: Elon Musk

5 The Vikings

6 John Cabot’s Venture

7 The Fishing Fleets

8 Jacques Cartier

9 Concept Web Due Next Day
Your task will be to create a mind map or concept web covering the topics from pages in your Crossroads Text. This web will be on a sheet provided, but the criteria being measured will be yours to determine. How could these visitors to North America be categorized? What information should we be recording? Please BOLD or Underline any of the criteria you wish to list for each group of explorers. Due Next Day

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