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Menses by: Breanna.

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1 Menses by: Breanna

2 the legendary first king of Egypt
 united Upper and Lower Egypt founded both the First Dynasty and the great city of Memphis. established an ancient Egyptian religious practises such as sacrifices.  1st Dynasty, with which Menes is associated, are c B.C. 

3 Uniting the two kingdoms
have united Upper and Lower Egypt through  United them through counquest marrying into the family of a southern royal family establishing its culture

4 achievements founder of Memphis Memes built the temple of Ptah
The first law giver an ancient Egyptian priest and historian

5 Ramses

6 Ruler Ramses third king of the 19th dynasty (1292– 1190 bce)
 Ramses also spelled Ramesses or R ameses, byname Ramses the Great (flourished  Ruled for 66 years until his death (1213 BC).

7 Family His father was Sethi I Ramses father was a pharoh
His mother was Tuya Ramses mother was the queen beside his father 

8 Achievements Pi-Ramses, an ancient city in the Nile delta, was established by Ramses Embellishing Abu Simbel with scenes Ramses had extensive building programs The Ramesseum is a memorial temple complex

9 References kings/menes.htm
Egypt p queens/rameses-ii/

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