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Technique Adaptation for the Shot Put Thrower

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1 Technique Adaptation for the Shot Put Thrower
John Yockey

2 Why 3 Different Techniques?
Different body types Different ability/athletic levels We have a coach for each event-I’m grateful I’m spoiled I try to do what’s best for the athlete

3 Why Would I Choose: Glide
Easy starting point Familiar-esp. from middle school Easier to pay attention to detail Athlete has hip flexibility to stay closed out of the back Quicker to learn and become competitive Consistent results

4 Why Would I Choose: Oppo-Glide
Athlete has issues with a consistently open power-side hip Athlete has rhythm, but can’t handle the spin Slow but powerful strike-Keeps shot in hand for longer acceleration of implement It’s different-Seriously, it helps!!!

5 Why Would I Choose: Spin
Top athleticism-Watch other sports, check footwork, hips, etc. Coachable athlete-roller coaster of results More explosive Complementary to Discus Raw strength not as important Collegiate programs want it-Doing what’s best for kids

6 When Would I Implement This New Technique?
Ideally, during summer throwing sessions First month of the season, esp. when indoors I worked with a senior on the spin during season, but he still threw with glide because he wasn’t competition ready Oppo-glide is easier to switch to in a week

7 Coaching Cues: Glide Closed hips Speed
Sequence (foot, knee, hip, torso, block arm, release)

8 Coaching Cues: Oppo-Glide
Move center of mass backwards on first step Speed Sequence (foot, knee, hip, torso, block arm, release)

9 Coaching Cues: Spin Wide swing out of the back Crack to sector
Sequence (foot, knee, hip, torso, block arm, release)

10 Questions? Contact info:

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