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Lord of the Flies Chapter 1-4 Notes.

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1 Lord of the Flies Chapter 1-4 Notes

2 Character and Character descriptions
Ralph: “The boy with fair hair” (7). “…lost the prominent tummy of childhood and not yet old enough for adolescence to have made him awkward” (10). “…mildness about his mouth and eyes that proclaimed no devil” (10). Piggy: “The naked crooks of his knees were plump, caught and scratched by thorns” (7). “He was shorter than the fair boy and very fat” (7). “He wiped his glasses and adjusted them on his button nose” (11).

3 Character and Character Descriptions
Jack: “Inside the floating cloak he was tall, think, and bony; and his hair was red beneath the black cap” (20). Roger: “The dark boy, Roger, stirred at last and spoke up” (22). All others on the island: “…something dark was fumbling along…the darkness was not all shadow but mostly clothing. The creature was a party of boys, marching approximately in step in two parallel lines and dressed in strangely eccentric clothing” (19).

4 Characters as Symbols Ralph: People with good intentions and many natural abilities, but not quite up to the challenges they must face; people who are more doers than thinkers; strong people who are not naturally prone to violence. Jack: Frustrated individuals with a strong need to control others; people whose veneer of civilization, when eroded, reveals potential for savagery lurking beneath; doers, fighters, and manipulators. Piggy: Gifted individuals who lack the criteria essential to gain popularity, such as good looks and athletic ability, and who often evoke teasing and even ridicule; easily become the butt of jokes that others find funny; victims who, ironically, are most capable of thought. Simon: Good-natured people who are in some way odd or different; loners and thinkers; perhaps mystics, prophets, or people with a kind of gut-sense of good and evil. Sam and Eric: Good but powerless people whose main desire is to somehow survive no matter what the cost. Roger: People with a cruel and sadistic streak that is normally sublimated by the demands of outside authority. Percival: Powerless people caught in a catastrophe they do not understand, or one with which they are entirely unable to cope.

5 Island Descriptions Landscape = purity until touched by humans VS.
“The shore was fledged with palm trees. These stood or leaned or relined against the light and their green feathers were a hundred feet up in the air. The ground beneath them was a bank covered with coarse grass, torn everywhere by the upheavals of fallen trees, scattered with decaying coconuts and palm saplings” (10). VS. “Behind this was the darkness of the forest proper and the open space of the scar” (10).

6 Symbols Conch Shell The scar Piggy’s glasses The fire The ocean
What does it look like? What are its most prominent features? What is good about it? What is bad about it?

7 The Island The Signal Fire The Reef Castle Rock The Platform
Conch Shell The Lagoon

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