Successful management of an extensive intracranial sinus thrombosis in a patient undergoing IVF: case report and review of literature  Fawaz Edris, M.D.,

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Presentation on theme: "Successful management of an extensive intracranial sinus thrombosis in a patient undergoing IVF: case report and review of literature  Fawaz Edris, M.D.,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Successful management of an extensive intracranial sinus thrombosis in a patient undergoing IVF: case report and review of literature  Fawaz Edris, M.D., F.R.C.S.C., Cecelia M. Kerner, M.D., Valter Feyles, Ph.D., F.R.C.S.C., Andrew Leung, M.D., F.R.C.S.C., Stephen Power, M.D., F.R.C.S.C.  Fertility and Sterility  Volume 88, Issue 3, Pages 705.e9-705.e14 (September 2007) DOI: /j.fertnstert Copyright © 2007 American Society for Reproductive Medicine Terms and Conditions

2 Figure 1 Cerebral venous thrombosis and parenchymal edema on luteal day 7. Sagittal maximum intensity projection image from time-of-flight magnetic resonance venography (A) and axial T2 image at the level of the lateral ventricles (B). (A) There is absence of signal in the superior sagittal sinus (large arrows), the straight sinus (small arrow), transverse sinuses bilaterally (arrowhead), which corresponds with venous thrombosis. (B) There are several small foci of periventricular high signal (black arrowheads) compatible with edema from venous hypertension. Edris. Intracranial sinus thrombosis during IVF Fertil Steril 2007. Fertility and Sterility  , 705.e9-705.e14DOI: ( /j.fertnstert ) Copyright © 2007 American Society for Reproductive Medicine Terms and Conditions

3 Figure 2 Resolution of venous thrombosis and parenchymal edema after 2 months of anticoagulation therapy. (A) Magnetic resonance venography demonstrates complete recanalization of the dural sinuses and cortical veins. These vessels have normal caliber and smooth margins. (B) The axial T2 image shows resolution of the white matter changes seen previously. Edris. Intracranial sinus thrombosis during IVF Fertil Steril 2007. Fertility and Sterility  , 705.e9-705.e14DOI: ( /j.fertnstert ) Copyright © 2007 American Society for Reproductive Medicine Terms and Conditions

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