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7.3 Factors That Limit Population Size

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1 7.3 Factors That Limit Population Size
Factors that prevent unlimited population growth are known as limiting factors. Environmental resistance- all limiting factors that act on a population collectively Extrinsic limiting factors are those that come from outside the population. Predators Loss of food source Lack of sunlight Accidents of nature

2 7.3 Factors That Limit Population Size
Intrinsic limiting factors- factors that originate within the population and exercise control over it. Ex- Behavioral changes amongst the population cause lower birthrates and higher death rates. Density-dependent limiting factors are those that become more effective as the density of the population increases. Density-independent limiting factors are population-controlling influences that are not related to the density of the population.

3 7.4 Categories of Limiting Factors
For most populations, limiting factors can be placed into four main categories: Raw material availability Shelter, minerals, water Energy availability Food, sunlight Accumulation of waste products Generally only an issue with bacteria Interactions among organisms Predation, grazing

4 7.5 Carrying Capacity Carrying capacity is the maximum sustainable population for an area. It is not an inflexible number; it can be influenced by environmental differences such as: Successional changes Climate variations Disease epidemics Forest fires, floods, or natural disasters Nutrient levels in aquatic ecosystems

5 7.5 Carrying Capacity

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