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Plan of the Day: Friday, Sep 5, 2014.

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1 Plan of the Day: Friday, Sep 5, 2014.
Understand the context of a data The five W’s and How Tim Horton’s nutritional Info StatCrunch Take-aways

2 Recall Statistics is collection of tools and method which will help us reason and understand the world. Data are values along with their context: Data = Information + Context

3 More about data A useful data has a context.
Nowadays data mostly come in an excel form. Data is presented in a table (rows and columns).

4 Context of a data answers the five W’s:
Who Why What Where When In addition to the five W’s: How

5 WHO? Individual cases: eg. respondents of a survey, participants (subjects) of an experiment, experimental units, etc. Also called observations. Cases are shown as the rows of a data table: all possible measurements gathered about that subject, experimental unit, etc.

6 Cases The cases are sample of cases selected from some larger population that we would like to understand. A sample needs to be representative of a population so that we can generalize about the larger population.

7 Example Amazon cares about its customers, but would like to attract ALL those other internet users who may have never made a purchase from Amazon’s site.

8 WHAT? Variables: The characteristics recorded about each individual cases. Variables are shown as the columns of a data table. Variable types: Categorical: A variable with categories. Eg. STAB22 Lecture sections: 01, 02, and 03 Quantitative: A variable measured with units. It is recorded on a naturally occurring scales. Eg. Age

9 WHY? The why of the analysis shapes how we think about it and how we treat it. The purpose of a study.

10 Example of an Ordinal Variable
On a scale of 1 to 7, 1 being the lowest and 7 being the highest, indicate the extent to which you are happy with your statistics classroom: Who is the subject? Are the subjects representative of the target population? What is the variable of interest? Is the variable of interest quantitative or categorical? Why this study (what is the study’s purpose)?

11 WHEN, WHERE, and HOW Design of sound methods for collecting data.
In addition to who, what, and why, for analyzing data, if possible, we would like to know: When the data was collected? Where the data was collected? How the data was collected? See page 13 of the text book, section: where, when, and How, Paragraph 4. The five W’s recommendation. Proceed to show and tell (step-by-step doing statistics).

12 Group Activity Tim Horton’s Nutritional Information
Identify the five W’s and How: Who? What? Why? When? Where? How?

13 StatCrunch Course ID: aslemand94682
Register as a student Once signed in, under Mylab & Mastering, left side of the screen, click on: DeVeaux/Velleman/Bock/Vukov/Wong: Stats: Data and Models, Canadian Edition MyStatLab On the left bar menu: StatCrunch contains data files from each chapter exercises. Chapter contents has brief summaries and video presentations about a specific chapter.

14 Take-aways Today we discussed:

15 Have a nice weekend 

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