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Advertising, Sales Promotion, & Public Relations

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1 Advertising, Sales Promotion, & Public Relations
Chapter 17

2 Advertising Types Product Advertisements Institutional Advertisements
Pioneering Competitive Reminder Institutional Advertisements Advocacy Pioneering Institutional Competitive Institutional Reminder Institutional Source:

3 Developing the Program
Identifying the Target Audience Specifying Advertising Objectives Setting the Advertising Budget Designing the Advertisement Types of appeals Creating the Message Humor appeals, fear appeals, sex appeals

4 Developing the Program
Selecting the Right Media Two goals of media selection Maximize ________ Minimize _________ Reach Rating Gross Rating Points Goals- Maximize exposure at minimum cost Reach- of people exposed Rating- % of households in a market that are tuned to a particular TV or radio show Frequency- # of times person in target market is exposed to it Gross rating points- Reach (percentage of total market) x Frequency Cost per thousand- Cost of reaching 1000 individuals or households Media TV- 95% of households; sight, sound, and motion. High costs (better recall with 2 fifteen second intervals); wasted coverage. Infomercials- 30 minute educational approach. Radio: 7x TV stations; more college audience than TV; easy to change station; limited use for visual products Magazines: 5000 magazines; special-interest magazines. Expensive, but regional publishing lowers wasted coverage. Newspapers: Large, but focus on immediate; Increasing costs of production (increase in paper costs), online newspapers, free tabloid newspapers. Internet- Banner ads, pop-ups; New so standards are evolving, less effective, “permission-based” advertising. Outdoor- Billboards, scoreboards, (visibility, access in specific markets) No lengthy copy 3 factors

5 Developing the Program
Different media Television Radio Magazines 10.3% of global ad spending Newspapers Internet 12.6% of global ad spending Advergaming Outdoor Cell phones Source:

6 Developing the Program
Scheduling the Advertising Three factors Buyer turnover Purchase frequency Forgetting rate Three approaches Continuous Flighting Pulse Buyer t-over: How often new buyers enter market Purchase freq.: More frequently=less reminder FR: Speed at which ppl forget advertising Continuous: Throughout year Flighting: Seasonal demand, so advertising lulls Pulse: Combination of the two

7 Executing the Advertising
Pretesting Portfolio tests Jury tests Theater tests Carrying out the Advertising Full-service agency Limited-service agency In-house agency FS- Research, selection, artwork, production LS- One aspect IH- Company’s own advertising staff

8 Evaluating the Advertising
Posttesting the Advertising Aided recall Unaided recall Attitude test Inquiry test Sales test Making Needed Changes

9 Source:
Sales Promotion $100 billion annually Consumer-Oriented Promotions Coupons Deals Premiums Contests Sweepstakes Samples Continuity programs Point-of-purchase displays Rebates Product Placement Source: Coupons- increase sales short-term, but lower margins. Other costs (distribution, printing) Deals (2-for-1), Premiums (Free or cheap merchandise- McDs toys), Contests, Sweepstakes, samples, continuity programs, P-o-P displays, rebates, product placement Brand name product in a movie, TV show, etc. TOP- Sales tools used to support a company’s advertising and personal selling directed to wholesalers, retailers, and distributors. Allowances & discounts- Merchandise allowance (reimbursing a retailer for extra in-store support or special featuring of the brand); Case allowance (A discount on each case ordered during a specific time period); Finance allowance (Paying retailers for financing costs or financing losses associated with consumer sales promotions. Coop adv.- Manufacturer pays a percentage of the retailer’s local advertising expense for advertising manufacturer’s products. TDS- Manuals and brochures to retailers’ sales force Source:



12 Sales Promotions Trade-Oriented Promotions Allowances and discounts
Cooperative advertising Training of Distributors’ Salesforces

13 Public Relations Public relations tools Publicity tools
New-product publicity Consumer Education Sponsorships Company websites Publicity tools News Release News Conference Public Service Announcements NR- Inform outlet of a story. 40% of all free mentions come from the news NC- Informational meeting, advance materials are sent PSAs- Nonprofit Source:

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