Terminology Service NHS Connecting for Health Roger Tackley Working Group Meeting May 2005.

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Presentation on theme: "Terminology Service NHS Connecting for Health Roger Tackley Working Group Meeting May 2005."— Presentation transcript:

1 Terminology Service NHS Connecting for Health Roger Tackley Working Group Meeting May 2005

2 IMS responsibilities NHS Terminology Service (Read, SNOMED CT) Healthcare Resource Group (HRG) service Classifications (ICD10, OPCS4) service National Intervention Classification (NIC) ….?? NHS Data Dictionary service Clinical Datasets Development NHS Organisation Codes Service Information Governance toolkit NHSnet security, access, and audit services

3 NHS Terminology Service –development of new concepts/terms –creation of clinical subsets –changes –error correction –cross mapping to classifications –cross mapping to NHS data dictionary –cross mapping to Clinical datasets –cross mapping to HL7 items –distribution –education –support.

4 Terminology Service Provides: Terminology Update and Distribution service - TRUD Affects Personal Spine Information Service - PSIS Secondary Uses Service - SUS Personal Demographic Service – PDS Electronic Transfer of Prescriptions - ETP Choose & Book

5 Common Solution Programme Terminology Group To review the disconnect between clinical BPPDG work and the TS Meets monthly SNOMEDCT CDROM DOS ….? New website being developed by NCFH TS for registering subsets etc


7 Simplified Conceptual Architecture

8 The Spine – clinical events through time LSP Patient info Broken Leg Patient visits A&E Patient info LSP Back Pain Patient visits GP LSP Patient info Chest infection Patient visits hospital Spine The information flow is repeated over time

9 Clinical Record Derived classification terms PSIS SUS HES PBR Other clinical users Data flows Coders Approved chunk Clinical info eg discharge summary

10 PbR- Terminologies & Classifications

11 Questions? More detail to follow about NWCS, SUS and PBR …………………… If you want it!


13 Hospital Provider & PbR Spell All CDS data received by NWCS pulled in to SUS PbR and is available for inspection Starts by creating hospital provider spell and then excluding in accordance with DH algorithm PbR Spell 0 Episodes In PbRPbR Excluded episodes Hospital Provider Spell Static definition Used to define PbR APC Currency - likely to change Episodes in Hospital Provider Spell

14 Derivations Wide range of derivations relating to the dominant spell Well babies (probably) Critical care days in qualifying and non-qualifying episodes Re-admission flag for 14 day re-admissions Less than readmit interval HPS n- Emergency Admission n HPS = Hospital Provider Spell Readmit interval = 14 days Less than readmit interval HPS 3 - Emergency Admission 2 Less than readmit interval HPS 2- Emergency Admission 1 Initial HOSPITAL PROVIDER SPELL

15 Architectural Overview SUS Core Secure DB (Data warehouse) Datamart Analysis Layer Presentation Layer Ardentia Ardentia/ Oracle Oracle Data Warehouse Builder Deeply simplified… Data Management Layer

16 Models & Messages

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