File info/metadata Using Photoshop.

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Presentation on theme: "File info/metadata Using Photoshop."— Presentation transcript:

1 File info/metadata Using Photoshop

2 Click on “File” and then scroll down to “File Info” after importing your photo into Photoshop.

3 Once in the “File Photo” option, you’ll come across the “basic” information and a list of camera data elements.

4 Add information to the available elements beginning with the document title, author and description (cutline/caption). Add keywords to help create a searchable database in the future to easily find specific photos.

5 You can look at your photo’s “camera data” to determine the settings used to capture the original photo. Use this to help to improve the quality of your photo. This information can help you better understand your camera and how to capture a higher quality photo by learning which settings worked and which one(s) can be tweaked in the future. Is your ISO to high or low? Did you need a faster shutter speed?

6 How can we analyze the quality of the photo by looking at the camera’s data?

7 What could we adjust in the future to create a higher quality photo
What could we adjust in the future to create a higher quality photo? How can we add more light in? Higher ISO? Downside? Adjust f-stop? Lower f-stop allows more light to come in. Adjust shutter speed? Risk? Blurry?

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