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Andrew Jackson.

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1 Andrew Jackson

2 Early Life Andrew Jackson was born into a poor family in South Carolina. He fought in the American Revolution Became famous as the commander during the Battle of New Orleans during the War of This battle did not need to get fought as the Treaty of Ghent had already been signed ending the war.

3 Running for president Jackson ran for president against John Quincy Adams in He lost. He ran against Adams again in 1828 and won. Jackson said he represented the common man.

4 Jackson as president Jackson hired the people who helped him get elected. This became known as the “spoils system.”

5 Jacksonian Democracy Jackson promised to take care of the common people. This became known as Jacksonian Democracy. The idea of spreading political power to the people and ensuring majority rule.

6 Issues Jackson faced as president

7 Tariffs Tariffs are taxes on imported goods.
Northerners liked the tariffs. The north had factories which benefited. The South hated the tariffs. The tariffs raised the prices they paid for factory goods.

8 How a tariff works

9 Crisis over Nullification
Southern states, especially South Carolina fought against the tariffs. They said a state had the right to nullify, or reject, a federal law that it considers unconstitutional.

10 States’ Rights South Carolina threatened to secede, or leave the United States if the tariff laws were enforced. Jackson was furious. He said, “I will hang the first man of them I can get my hands on from the first tree I can find.” South Carolina backed down and the crisis ended, but the tensions between the North and the South would remain.

11 The Bank of the United States
The Bank of the United States was the most powerful bank in the country. It held government funds and issued money. President Jackson disliked the bank. He didn’t trust banks and thought the Bank of the United States had too much power. Jackson set out to destroy the bank. The people who opposed Jackson called him a tyrant saying that he wanted too much power.

12 Indian Issues Indians had been forced off their lands since the white man had come to America. They tried to adopt white man’s ways. Sequoya – wrote a Cherokee alphabet Cherokee had their own newspaper Wore white man’s clothes Wrote a constitution None of this mattered

13 Indian Removal Gold was found on Cherokee land making it even more valuable to white settlers Jackson called for the removal of the Cherokee off their lands. This became known as the Indian Removal Act. The Cherokee went to the Supreme Court over their removal and won, but Jackson ignored the ruling.

14 Trail of Tears About 15,000 Cherokee were forced from their homes.
Thousands died on the way to Oklahoma. This became known as the Trail of Tears.

15 Andrew Jackson political cartoons
Study the following four political cartoons of Andrew Jackson. 1. Identify any people or objects seen in the cartoon. 2. Identify the title of the cartoon as well as any words/dates listed. 3. Describe any actions taking place in the cartoon. 4. Explain the message of the cartoon

16 Andrew Jackson hated the idea of the Bank of the United States
Andrew Jackson hated the idea of the Bank of the United States. He thought it wasn’t fair to the poor people. He wanted to destroy it. The many-headed monster is the states, who are fighting Jackson to keep the bank. Jackson raises a cane that says “veto.”

17 In this cartoon, Jackson is sprawled in a collapsing chair next to a falling column saying "altar of reform" where a winged jackass stands on it's hind legs holding a broom. In the background are nine resignation documents. The heads of the fleeing rats represent cabinet members, from left to right: Secretary of War John H. Eaton, Secretary of the Navy John Branch, Secretary of State Martin Van Buren (whom Jackson is trying to restrain by stepping on his tail) and Secretary of the Treasury Samuel D. Ingham. Jackson had a great deal of corruption in his administration, and many of his appointments had to resign in disgrace.

18 Jackson’s motto seemed to be "To the victor belong the spoils," and he certainly employed the "spoils system". One of his first acts was to fire dozens of federal employees, some who had been there since the days of George Washington. In their place he appointed people who had supported him. These appointments did not always work out so well. One member had to quit after having a well publicized affair. The words, “fraud, bribery, and plunder” are seen underneath the pig. A skeleton is also seen under the pig, and the pig has dollar signs on it.

19 After his veto of the Bank of United States bill, President Andrew Jackson's opponents accused him of abusing his Presidential powers. This cartoon shows Jackson as a tyrannical king, trampling on the Constitution.

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