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Accuracy of virtual bronchoscopy to detect endobronchial lesions

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1 Accuracy of virtual bronchoscopy to detect endobronchial lesions
Yves Lacasse, MD, MS, Simon Martel, MD, Amélie Hébert, MD, Guy Carrier, MD, Bruno Raby, MD, MS  The Annals of Thoracic Surgery  Volume 77, Issue 5, Pages (May 2004) DOI: /j.athoracsur

2 Fig 1 Flow diagram of the study. (FB = flexible bronchoscopy; VB = virtual bronchoscopy.) The Annals of Thoracic Surgery  , DOI: ( /j.athoracsur )

3 Fig 2 Correlation between flexible (left column) and virtual (right column) bronchoscopies. (Top) Extrinsic compression by a large tumor of the right upper lobe causing complete obstruction of the right main bronchus; the compression is well demonstrated by virtual bronchoscopy. (Middle) Obstructive lesion of the left upper lobe; the lingula is free of lesion; the lesion is well demonstrated by virtual bronchoscopy. (Bottom) Neoplastic lesion obstructing the anterior and apical segments of the right upper lobe; the lesion is not well demonstrated by virtual bronchoscopy. The Annals of Thoracic Surgery  , DOI: ( /j.athoracsur )

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