University of North Texas Libraries

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1 University of North Texas Libraries
Map of the Texas & Pacific Railway and Connections in 1903 Primary Source Adventures: Galveston 1900: Storm of the Century Primary Source Adventures: Galveston 1900 Storm of the Century David Rumsey Map Collection University of North Texas Libraries

2 University of North Texas Libraries
1891 Map of North Galveston, Texas Primary Source Adventures: Galveston 1900 Storm of the Century Primary Source Adventures: Galveston 1900: Storm of the Century David Rumsey Map Collection University of North Texas Libraries

3 Galveston In Nineteen Hundred
From Clarence Ousley’s, Galveston In Nineteen Hundred This excerpt discusses storm forecasting. Primary Source Adventures: Galveston 1900: Storm of the Century University of North Texas Libraries

4 University of North Texas Libraries
From Clarence Ousley’s, Galveston In Nineteen Hundred Cline’s account of the hurricane’s arrival. Primary Source Adventures: Galveston 1900 Storm of the Century Primary Source Adventures: Galveston 1900: Storm of the Century From Paul Lester’s, The Great Galveston Disaster University of North Texas Libraries

5 University of North Texas Libraries
Primary Source Adventures: Galveston 1900: Storm of the Century From Clarence Ousley’s, Galveston In Nineteen Hundred Cline’s account about surviving the storm. University of North Texas Libraries

6 University of North Texas Libraries
Primary Source Adventures: Galveston 1900 Storm of the Century Primary Source Adventures: Galveston 1900: Storm of the Century From Paul Lester’s, The Great Galveston Disaster This excerpt discusses the storm’s aftermath. University of North Texas Libraries

7 Galveston In Nineteen Hundred
From Clarence Ousley’s, Galveston In Nineteen Hundred Primary Source Adventures: Galveston 1900: Storm of the Century Primary Source Adventures: Galveston 1900 Storm of the Century This excerpt discusses the hurricane’s cost. University of North Texas Libraries

8 The Great Galveston Disaster
From Paul Lester’s, The Great Galveston Disaster Primary Source Adventures: Galveston 1900: Storm of the Century Primary Source Adventures: Galveston 1900 Storm of the Century The efforts to dispose of the bodies. University of North Texas Libraries

9 The Great Galveston Disaster
From Paul Lester’s, The Great Galveston Disaster Primary Source Adventures: Galveston 1900: Storm of the Century Primary Source Adventures: Galveston 1900 Storm of the Century University of North Texas Libraries

10 University of North Texas Libraries
From Paul Lester’s, The Great Galveston Disaster Primary Source Adventures: Galveston 1900: Storm of the Century Primary Source Adventures: Galveston 1900 Storm of the Century University of North Texas Libraries

11 The Great Galveston Disaster
From Paul Lester’s, The Great Galveston Disaster Primary Source Adventures: Galveston 1900: Storm of the Century University of North Texas Libraries

12 The Great Galveston Disaster
From Paul Lester’s, The Great Galveston Disaster Primary Source Adventures: Galveston 1900: Storm of the Century Primary Source Adventures: Galveston 1900 Storm of the Century University of North Texas Libraries

13 University of North Texas Libraries
Primary Source Adventures: Galveston 1900: Storm of the Century Primary Source Adventures: Galveston 1900 Storm of the Century From Paul Lester’s, The Great Galveston Disaster University of North Texas Libraries

14 The Great Galveston Disaster
From Paul Lester’s, The Great Galveston Disaster Primary Source Adventures: Galveston 1900: Storm of the Century Primary Source Adventures: Galveston 1900 Storm of the Century University of North Texas Libraries

15 University of North Texas Libraries
Primary Source Adventures: Galveston 1900 Storm of the Century Primary Source Adventures: Galveston 1900: Storm of the Century From Paul Lester’s, The Great Galveston Disaster This excerpt discusses a refuge from the storm. University of North Texas Libraries

16 University of North Texas Libraries
Primary Source Adventures: Galveston 1900: Storm of the Century Primary Source Adventures: Galveston 1900 Storm of the Century From Paul Lester’s, The Great Galveston Disaster University of North Texas Libraries

17 University of North Texas Libraries
Primary Source Adventures: Galveston 1900: Storm of the Century Primary Source Adventures: Galveston 1900 Storm of the Century Galveston Sea Wall constructed in 1902 Memorial marker for 1900 storm Images from the Portal to Texas History Collection “Photographing Texas” University of North Texas Libraries

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