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IAS 36 Impairment of Assets

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1 IAS 36 Impairment of Assets
Submitted by – Mukesh Thakur

2 What is impairment Impairment is diminution in the value of assets otherwise than by depreciation Depreciation The objective is to charge the cost of asset over its useful economic life Matching concept is applied Impairment The objective is to bring down the carrying amount to its recoverable amount. Prudence concept is applied.

3 Objective of the standard
To state the carrying amount of the assets at no more than its recoverable amount. Implications The standard has deep impact on capital intensive industries that capitalize its assets more than the current requirement like steel factories, fibre and glasses, textiles etc. This standard does also have adverse impact on poor performing industries. However, there will be no impact on service industries and good performing industries.

4 Scope Applies to Does not applies to
Property, Plant and Equipment (IAS 16) Finance Lease of Lessee Operating Lease of Lessor Financial Assets under IAS 27, IAS 28 and IAS 31 Prepaid Assets Does not applies to Inventories (IAS 2) Assets arising out of construction contracts (IAS 11) Deferred Tax Assets (IAS 12) Assets arising from Employees Benefits (IAS 19) Financial Assets under IAS 39 Investment Properties (IAS 40) Biological Assets under IAS 41 Assets arising from insurer’s contractual rights (IAS 4) Non current Assets held for Sale ( IFRS 5)

5 Impairment of Asset An entity should assess at end of each reporting period whether there is any indication that an asset may be impaired. If any indication exists, the entity will estimate the recoverable amount of the asset. However, the following assets will be tested annually even if no indicator of impairment exists In case of intangible assets having indefinite life, intangible asset not yet available for use and Goodwill Annual impairment tests for these assets can be performed at any time during the financial year provided that the testing is performed at the same time in subsequent periods. Different assets may be tested at different times of the year.

6 If the recoverable amount of asset is less than its carrying amount
Impairment Test If the recoverable amount of asset is less than its carrying amount The asset is impaired. The asset’s carrying amount will be reduced to recoverable amount. Impairment Loss will be Debited and assets will be credited. Should an impairment test be performed at interim balance sheet date? Yes at each reporting date including interim balance sheet dates an entity is required to assess whether there is any indication that assets may be impaired.

7 Example Case 1 Rs. Case 2 Cost 1000 Accumulated Depreciation 400
Carrying Amount 600 Recoverable Amount 900 The Asset is not impaired The asset is impaired

8 Recoverable Amount is Higher of Asset’s Value in use
Present Value of future cash flows expected to be derived from an asset Net Selling Price of the assets Fair value less costs to sale

9 Impairment of Revalued Assets
IAS 16 states, where entity chooses revaluation model, the revalued amount of its property, plant and equipment should not differ materially from fair value. Fair value is the amount for which an asset could be exchanged between knowledgeable willing parties in an arm’s length transaction. IAS 36 states that an entity should reduce the carrying amount of its assets to recoverable amount. Recoverable amount is higher of fair value less costs of disposal and asset’s value in use. Hence, whether impairment test of revalued asset is required depends on the basis of determining fair value.

10 Impairment of Revalued Assets
If fair value is Its market value Cost of disposal is negligible Impairment not required Cost of Disposal major Impairment required Other than market value

11 Decline in the market value of assets significantly.
Indicators External Decline in the market value of assets significantly. Changes in technological market, economic or legal environment. Increase in interest rates. Net assets of entity is less than its market capitalisation. Internal Obsolescence or physical damage change in use of asset Economic performance of asset is less than expected.

12 Decline in the market value of assets
External indicators Decline in the market value of assets may indicate that the asset’s net selling price is less than its carrying amount Changes in technology, economic or legal environment may indicate that the value in use of an asset (or group of assets) is less than its carrying amount Increases in interest rates a decline in the market value of an asset a decline in present value of the future cash inflows Nets assets > market capitalisation the carrying amount of assets may exceed their net selling price value in use

13 Example Fact A branch of a business in southern gurgaon located close to a chemical factory, was largely destroyed in an explosion. The insurance assessors are examining the damage and management is confident that the full cost of rebuild plus compensation for the loss of profit will be received. Is the asset impaired? Given that it will be replaced. Solution Yes, the asset is impaired as it has been destroyed. The replacement will be a new asset. The costs of construction are capitalised when it is built. Insurance proceed for the rebuilding costs will be credited to income. The impairment loss is charged in current period.

14 Determining Net selling price
Net Selling Price (or NRV) is Fair Value (-) cost of disposal Evidence of Fair Value Binding sale agreement Market price in active market Best information available

15 Value in use Present value of estimated cash flows expected to arise from Continuing use of the assets and Disposal at the end of its useful life. Estimates of future cash flow should include Cash inflows from continuing use of the asset Cash outflows that Are necessarily incurred to generate cash inflows and Can be directly attributable or allocated on a reasonable basis to assets. Net cash flows for the disposal of asset at the end of its useful life.

16 Value in Use - Projection of Cash flow
Projection of cash flows should not include Cash inflows and outflows from financing activities; Income tax receipts and payments (since these are not considered in determining discount rate) Estimated future cash flow should not include cash flows that are expected to arise from A future restructuring to which the entity is not yet committed or Improving or enhancing assets performance

17 Value in Use - Projection of Cash flow
Based on management’s best estimate of economic conditions over the remaining useful life of asset; most recent financial budgets or forecasts approved by management. These projections should cover a maximum period of five years unless a longer period is justified. Cash flows in foreign currency Estimate cash flow in original currency Discount the same using appropriate discount rate Convert the present value using spot rate at the time of calculation of value in use.

18 Discount Rate Discount rate should be Current market assessment of the time value of money and the risks specific to the asset independent of capital structure and financing of asset pre-tax rate of interest When asset-specific rate not available capital asset pricing model, incremental borrowing rate, other market borrowing rates

19 Impairment Recognition and Treatment
Recoverable amount < Carrying amount Reduce carrying amount upto recoverable amount. Impairment loss Profit and Loss A/C In case of revalued assets under IAS 16 impairment loss will be treated as revaluation decrease. If Impairment Loss > carrying amount Recognize liability if required by another standard. Depreciation will be charged on revised carrying amount.

20 Impairment Provision = Carrying Amount – Recoverable Amount
Higher of Assess Impairment conditions Impairment Condition Exists? Net Selling Prive Value in use No impairment Review NO YES Identify Assets/CGU Binding Sale Agreement Active Market Best Estimate Determine Recoverable Amount Cash Flow Discount Rate No impairment Provision NO Carrying Amount > Recoverable Amount? Follow up with Annual Impairment Review Impairment Provision = Carrying Amount – Recoverable Amount YES

21 Example Cost ,000 Accumulated depreciation Carrying amount Net selling price Value in use Recoverable amount Impairment loss Revised carrying amount

22 Cash Generating Unit After impairment test, recoverable amount should be calculated for individual asset. If it is not possible to estimate recoverable amount of individual, estimate recoverable amount of Cash Generating Unit (CGU) to which the asset belongs. CGU is smallest identifiable group of assets that generates cash inflows that are largely independent of the cash inflows of other assets or group of assets. Example East India Minerals P. Limited owns a private railway line to support its mining activities. The private railway could only be sold for scrap value and it does not generate cash inflows that are largely independent of the cash inflows from other assets of mine. Recoverable amount of CGU i.e. mine as a whole will be estimated.

23 Cash Generating Unit Allocate of Impairment Loss to assets in following order Goodwill allocated to the CGU Other assets on pro-rata basis Carrying amount of any asset will not be less than the highest of Its Net selling price Its value in use and Zero

24 Impairment of Goodwill
Goodwill acquired in business combination should be allocated, from the acquisition date to each of the acquirer's CGU that is expected to benefit from the synergies of the combination. Even if assets and liabilities of the aquiree are assigned to those units or group of units to which the goodwill is so allocated. Such allocated unit should Represent the lowest level within the entity at which the goodwill is monitored for internal management purposes and Not be larger than an operating segment as per IFRS 8. If initial allocation is not completed before the end of financial year in which business combination took place, it will be completed within one annual period from the acquisition date.

25 Impairment of Goodwill
Where financial statement includes goodwill in relation to CGU the entity should Perform ‘Bottom up Approach’ i.e. Identify if goodwill can be allocated to the CGU and Compare recoverable with carrying (including goodwill) and recognize impairment loss. If carrying amount of goodwill cannot be allocated on a reasonable and consistent basis, then also perform ‘Top down Approach’ i.e. Identify smallest CGU on which goodwill can be allocated and Compare recoverable amount of larger CGU to its carrying amount (including goodwill) and recognize Impairment loss.

26 Determine impairment required.
Example X Ltd. has 3 units A, B and C. Goodwill appearing in books is Rs. 40 millions and cannot be identified and allocated to any unit. Rs. Crores Determine impairment required. Assets A B C X Ltd. Carrying Amount 150 100 35 285 Recoverable Amount 115 105 40 260 Goodwill

27 Solution Bottom up for A Rs. Crores Carrying Amount 150 Recoverable Amount 115 Impairment Loss (35) Top Down This 30 Crores will be adjusted with Carrying amount of Goodwill of Rs. 40 Crores. Total Impairment Loss = = 65 Crores. A B C GW X Carrying Amount 150 100 35 40 325 Impairment Loss in Bottom up test - (35) Carrying amount after Bottom up 115 290 Recoverable Amount 260 Impairment Loss ( ) 30

28 Determine impairment required.
Example X Ltd. has 3 units A, B and C. Goodwill appearing in books is Rs. 40 millions and can be identified and allocated to A and B. Rs. Crores Determine impairment required. Assets A B C X Ltd. Carrying Amount 150 100 35 285 Recoverable Amount 115 105 40 260 Goodwill

29 Bottom up for A Rs. Crores Carrying Amount 150 Recoverable Amount 115
Solution Bottom up for A Rs. Crores Carrying Amount Recoverable Amount Impairment Loss (35) Top Down for A & B Carrying Amount ( ) Recoverable Amount (260 – 40) Impairment Loss (35) This Rs. 35 crores will be adjusted from goodwill of Rs. 40 crores. Remaining goodwill of Rs. 5 crores will be carried forward. Total impairment loss = 70 Crores.

30 Corporate Assets Assets other than goodwill that contribute to the future cash flows of CGU under review and other CGU e.g. Building of Headquarter, EDP equipment etc. Same treatment as goodwill. If carrying amount of the corporate asset can be allocated to CGU, apply bottom up Approach. If carrying amount of the corporate asset cannot be allocated to the CGU, apply both bottom up and top down test.

31 Reversal of Impairment Loss
Impairment loss recognised in prior years should be reversed if there is indication that such losses does not exists any long. Reversal amount should be limited to earlier impairment losses recognised as per IAS 36. Indicators External Market Value has increased significantly. Significant favorable change in technological market, economic or legal environment. Interest rates has been decreased. Internal Significant favorable effect in the use of assets. Economic performance of assets is better than expected

32 Accounting Treatment of Reversal of impairment Loss
Goodwill – Impairment Loss will not be reversed. Revalued Assets – Reversal will be treated as revaluation increase under IAS 16. Other Assets – Reversal will be recognised in Profit and Loss Account immediately. Further depreciation will be charged on revised carrying amount.

33 Disclosures Impairment Losses/reversals recognised in Profit and loss account and Equity directly. Line items in the income statement in which impairment losses and reversals have been recognised. Where the entity applies Segment Reporting as per ‘IFRS 8’ For each reportable segment The amount of impairment losses/reversals recognised in Profit and Loss Account Equity directly

34 Disclosures For each material impairment loss recognised/reversed The events and circumstances that led to recognition of impairment loss or reversals. The amount of Impairment Loss recognised or reversed. For each individual asset The nature of the asset and The segment to which the asset belongs For each CGU A description of CGU The segment to which CGU belongs Change in the composition of CGU, if any with reasons. The fact that recoverable amount of asset is its fair value less cost of sales (NSP) or its value in use.

35 Disclosures If recoverable amount is NSP, the basis used to determine NSP. If recoverable amount is Value in use, the discount rate used in current estimate and previous estimate of value in use. For aggregate of Impairment Losses/reversal not covered in 4 above The main classes of assets affected by impairment losses/ reversals. The main events and circumstances that led to the recognition of impairment losses and reversals of impairment losses.

36 Comparison with Indian GAAP
IAS 36 AS 28 Timing of impairment review At each reporting date, an entity should assess whether any indication exists that an asset may be impaired. If any such condition exists, the entity should estimated Recoverable Amount. In case of Goodwill, intangible assets with indefinite useful life, intangible assets not yet available for use and goodwill will be tested even if no indication exists. At each Balance Sheet date, an entity should assess whether any indication exists that an asset may be impaired. If any such condition exists, the entity should estimated Recoverable Amount. In case of intangible assets with amortization period more than 10 years and intangible assets not yet available for use will be tested even if no indication exists. Recoverable Amount is higher of Fair Value less cost to sale and value in use. Similar with different terminology. Recoverable Amount is higher of Net Selling Price and value in use.

37 Reversal of Impairment Loss
IAS 36 AS 28 Reversal of Impairment Loss Reversal of impairment loss on goodwill is not permitted. Impairment loss on goodwill should not be reversed unless: Impairment loss was caused by a specific external event of an exceptional nature that is not expected to recur and Subsequent external event have occurred that reverse the effect of that event.

38 Thank you

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