Organization of Executive Branch

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1 Organization of Executive Branch
Many different offices make up executive government branch Some are elected officials: Agriculture Commissioner Insurance Commissioner Labor Commissioner Some are appointed by governor: Corrections Commissioner Defense Commissioner Education Commissioner Commissioner of the Department of Natural Resources Transportation Commissioner

2 Governor: Nathan Deal Duties Include:
1. Head of state and leader of executive branch 2. Commander-in-chief of Georgia’s military 3. Can veto legislation put forward by the state legislature 4. Signs bills into law 5. Can use the floor leader of house to suggest legislation 6. Appoints people to many executive offices 7. Addresses legislature in State of the State speech 8. Proposes budget for state

3 Lieutenant Governor: Casey Cagle
Duties Include: Serving as governor if current governor dies or gets too sick to work Serving as president of the Senate Decides committee memberships and chooses committee chairs

4 State School Superintendent: Richard Woods
Elected Official DUTIES The State Superintendent of Schools is responsible for the oversight of 1,946 public schools in the 180 school systems across Georgia.

5 Commissioner of Labor: Mark Butler elected official
DUTIES Finding jobs for people Job training Vocational rehabilitation and job search for people with disabilities Administration of the state's unemployment insurance trust fund Workplace safety inspections Public awareness programs.

6 Secretary of State: Brian P. Kemp elected official
DUTIES Oversees elections, corporations, securities, and professional licensing boards. Also controls the state archives and the Capitol museum.

7 Attorney General: Sam Olens elected official
DUTIES Serving as the attorney and legal advisor for all state agencies, departments, authorities and the Governor. Representing the State of Georgia in all court cases before the Supreme Court of Georgia. Representing the State of Georgia in all civil cases before any court. Conducting special investigations concerning any state agency of Georgia. ・Initiating civil or criminal actions on behalf of the State of Georgia when requested to do so by the Governor. Preparing all contracts and agreements regarding any matter in which the State of Georgia is involved.

8 Commissioner of Agriculture: Gary W. Black elected official
DUTIES Protect and promote agriculture and consumer interests. Ensure an abundance of safe food and fiber for Georgia, America, and the world by using state-of-the-art technology and a professional workforce. Regulates, monitors, or assists with grocery stores, gas stations, etc.

9 Insurance Commissioner: Ralph T. Hudgens elected official
Investigates policyholder complaints and responds to inquiries from the public. Answer insurance related questions promptly and to ensure fair and equitable resolution of disputes involving insurance transactions between insurers, agents, and policyholders.

10 Public Service Commissioner: H
Public Service Commissioner: H. Doug Everett - District 1, Tim Echols - District 2, Chuck Eaton - District 3/Chairman, Lauren “Bubba” McDonald, Jr. - District 4/Vice-Chairman, Stan Wise - District 5 DUTIES Ensure that consumers receive safe, reliable and reasonably priced telecommunications, transportation, electric and natural gas services from financially viable and technically competent companies.

11 Chairperson Georgia Board of Regents Chancellor Neil Pruitt, Jr
Chairperson Georgia Board of Regents Chancellor Neil Pruitt, Jr. appointed official DUTIES The Chancellor's Office will promote a statewide perspective on higher education that attends to the current and developing needs of the State, its citizens and students, and relates them effectively to the University System and its institutions.

12 Department of Motor Vehicle Director Georgia Steele appointed official
Works with county tax commissioners to issue license plates and certificates of title. Also anything dealing with vehicle registration guidelines and procedures.

13 Department of Natural Resources Commissioner Mark Williams
Department of Natural Resources Commissioner Mark Williams. appointed official Responsible for settling rules and regulations ranging from air and water quality to hunting seasons. The Board meets 10 times per year.

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