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Presentation on theme: "SEMINAR APPOINTMENT SLIDES"— Presentation transcript:

By Frank Maselli

2 For advisors only You are reading this because you have either read my book Seminars: The Emotional Dynamic or listened to my audio CD “Seminar Closing Techniques.” The next six slides are the ones that I would actually include in my seminar presentation. They are designed to help you set more appointments from your seminars and workshops by taking your audience’s final fears away. You will notice that the slides include only the client comments, not your responses. You should deliver your responses live at the seminar and you will need to listen to the CD or re-read the book for those. It’s even better if you come up with your own responses based on your delivery style anyway, but the book and CD will give you a powerful template for this conversation. The slide with the “4 questions” is your call. Some advisors craft their own questions and others will omit this entirely by saying “The questions will be different for each of you.” I’ve given you the slides in minimalist format with simple visual builds by paragraph. You can cut and paste them right into your PowerPoint as is or change the colors and design to fit your presentation’s look and feel accordingly. Good luck!

3 Our first meeting… What’s going to happen?
What will I learn that’s new? How long will it take? What should I bring? Will you try to sell me anything? How will I feel when it’s over? Where will we do it? What will the next steps be?

4 3 possible next steps: We decide that we want to work together and begin to discuss specific ideas and strategies We decide that we like each other but the time is not right and set a date to follow-up in the future We decide we don’t like each other, call each other names and run screaming from the room!

5 4 Questions for Your Family’s Future
What specific plans have you made to triple your income during retirement? What would happen to your financial situation if the stock market dropped 35% like it did from or in 2008? If you died this year, how would your family’s lifestyle have to change after paying the taxes to Uncle Sam? What plans have you and your children made for dealing with rising healthcare costs and Alzheimer's?

6 Something to look forward to!
You get a chance to talk You will learn some new ideas You will get to see where we work You will get to meet my team You will get something valuable You will have an experience

7 It’s easy to set a meeting!
“I don’t have my calendar.” “I want to think about everything I heard tonight.” “I already have an advisor.”



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