Report on the Korean Collections Consortium of North America (KCCNA)

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1 Report on the Korean Collections Consortium of North America (KCCNA)
Since I have 3 minutes for this report, I will try to be as concise as possible. As the Chair of the Consortium, I will give you a brief overview and report on the Consortium. Hana Kim Chair, March 26, 2009

2 Overview The Consortium makes reports annually at this CKM session, so you may be already familiar with our program, but in case there are some who are no, here is a brief introduction. Our consortium is a cooperative collection development program sponsored by the Korea Foundation for the purpose of sharing resources. It supports Korean studies teaching and research programs in North America by providing library services to optimize access and use of the Korean studies collections developed through the Consortium. The Consortium materials are loaned free of charge to any Korean studies scholar or student anywhere in North America. The Consortium has a total of 12 member institutions in North America: 10 in the United States and 2 in Canada.

3 Projects under development
Joint coordination of database price negotiation and gifts requests from South Korean government Collaborative virtual reference services for Korean studies scholars Development of sharing in-house South Korean library instruction resources Since 2008, the Consortium has been involved in supporting Korean Studies in North America in conjunction with CKM such as Korean studies database price negotiation and in requesting publication gifts from South Korean governmental departments & affiliated organizations to distribute to Korean Studies libraries in North America as well as in other countries. The Consortium is also developing a program for Collaborative virtual reference services for Korean studies scholars and considering a system for sharing Korean Studies library instruction resources developed in-house between all Korean Studies library institutions.

4 How to find info on Consortium
KCCNA Website Annual meeting minutes available online or in Journal of East Asian Libraries (JEAL) Report on the KCCNA during the CKM Session Contacting Korea Foundation or Consortium members Since the Consortium operates in closed meetings, many people are curious or want to learn about our activities. As you can see ere, there are several ways to find out more information on the Consortium.

5 2009-2010 Leadership Schedule Chair, 2009-2010: Ms. Hyokyoung Yi
University of Washington Secretary, : Ms. Helen Kim University of British Columbia The Consortium’s leadership changes annually. Beginning in July, the next chair of the Consortium will be Ms. Hyokyoung Yi, University of Washington, and the next Secretary will be Ms. Helen Kim, University of British Columbia. I think that’s all what I have to say. Thank you for your attention.

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