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Warm-Up: Do NOT take a paper from the tan bin.

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Presentation on theme: "Warm-Up: Do NOT take a paper from the tan bin."— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm-Up: Do NOT take a paper from the tan bin.
Place any supplies or homework on your desk (paper and/or pencils). In the next table of your LINCS sheet, copy the following information: 1. Term: Peer    3. Reminding Word (sounds like or looks like): 4. Story (use the definition and the reminding word): 5. Picture 2. Definition: A person who is equal to another in abilities, qualifications, age, background and social status. F

2 Vocabulary Sheet 1 Aghast: horrified Stupefied: confused
Goad: to whip or annoy into doing something In Vain: with no purpose Spontaneously: suddenly Navigate: to find the correct path from one spot to another

3 Vocabulary Sheet 2 Empower: To give power or strength to.
Timid: Being scared or being unsure of yourself. Philanthropy: A desire to help people, especially through charity. Advocate: To speak or write in favor of something. Amend: To make minor changes in something to make it more fair. Peer: A person who is equal to another in abilities, qualifications, age, background and social status.

4 Agenda (Monday, 9/10) Essential Question: How do you complete the Station Rotations? How do I find essential details? Standard: RL1 Finding key details Objective: Students will practice habits of an effective reader in station rotations. Warm-Up: LINCS: peers Whole Group: 7th grade: Whole group discussion about high order thinking question. 8th grade: Small groups- sharing High Order Thinking Question Work Period: 15 minutes to finish the station work. Technology: Achieve 3000, fill out yellow sheet and answer Activity Questions (For All Women) (Group Discussion- How might the law President Obama signed help Maleeka and her mother?) Independent Work: Grade 7: Read Chapter 5 of The Skin I’m In and complete BMH questions and HOTQ. Grade 8: Read Chapter 2 of Life and Death and complete the BMH questions and HOTQ. Independent Reading: Choose a book from the class library. Read quietly. Focus on any new vocabulary you can find. Teacher-Led: DAR Testing

5 Higher Order Thinking Question
Chapter 4 of The Skin I’m In Does Miss Saunders care about what people think about her face? How do you know? Begin with a complete topic sentence that answers the question. Cite your evidence. Include evidence from the book that supports your topic sentence. Use at least two pieces of evidence to support your answer.

6 Sample HOTQ Answer (Gabrielle Wims)
Miss Saunders does not care about what people think about her face. On page 19, it says, “I took a lot of wrong turns to find out who I really was. You will too.” Miss Saunders does not care about what people think, so she is trying to tell Maleeka the same thing. Also, it says on page 19, “I saw that too when I was young.” Maleeka called Miss Saunders a free. So, Miss Saunders is trying to tell her it is okay to think that way at first, but you have to know that you have to love yourself. All of this proves that Miss Saunders isn’t bothered by other people’s opinions.

7 Higher Order Thinking Question
Chapter 1 of Life and Death In Chapter 1, we are introduced to two boys named Wes Moore. Are they alike or different, or both? How do we know? Begin with a complete topic sentence that answers the question. Cite your evidence. Include evidence from the book that supports your topic sentence. Use at least two pieces of evidence to support your answer.

8 Sample HOTQ Answer (Jayonna Robinson)
The two boys are both alike, but slightly different. In chapter one, they both were getting in trouble. But the first Wes Moore got in trouble with the law. On page 14, paragraph 1, it says, “Wes managed to run straight to the officer’s car. An officer forced him against the car, face down. He cuffed Wes and threw him into the backseat.” But the second Wes Moore got in trouble with his brother. On page 17, paragraph 1, it says, “Tony punched his brother square in the face. Wes fell to the ground and Tony pinned his face down and kept swinging at him.” So, his brother was mad at him for lying and doing drugs after he told him not to do it. So, even though they were both getting in trouble, they were getting in trouble with different people.

9 High Order Thinking Question Chapter 5 of The Skin I’m In
How do we know that Maleeka cares about what other people think about her? Begin with a complete topic sentence that answers the question. Cite your evidence. Include evidence from the book that supports your topic sentence. Use at least two pieces of evidence to support your answer. Include at least one elaboration/ explanation sentence with each piece of evidence that shows how your evidence supports your topic sentence. Finish with a concluding sentence.

10 High Order Thinking Question Chapter 2 of Life and Death
Using chapter 2, explain how we know that one of the Wes Moores cares about the lives of people other than just himself. Begin with a complete topic sentence that answers the question. Cite your evidence. Include evidence from the book that supports your topic sentence. Use at least two pieces of evidence to support your answer. Include at least one elaboration/ explanation sentence with each piece of evidence that shows how your evidence supports your topic sentence. Finish with a concluding sentence.

11 Closing Vocabulary test Wednesday…

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