Implementing Mutual Exclusion

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Presentation on theme: "Implementing Mutual Exclusion"— Presentation transcript:

1 Implementing Mutual Exclusion
Andy Wang Operating Systems COP 4610 / CGS 5765

2 From the Previous Lecture
The too-much-milk example shows that writing concurrent programs with load and store instructions (i.e., C assignment statements) is tricky Programmers want to use higher-level operations, such as locks

3 Ways of Implementing Locks
All implementations require some level of hardware support Locking primitives High-level atomic operations Locks, semaphores, monitors, send/receive Low-level atomic operations Load/store, interrupt disables, test_and_set

4 Atomic Memory Load and Store
C assignment statements Examples: too-much-milk solutions

5 Disable Interrupts (for Uniprocessors)
On a uniprocessor, One way to make an operation atomic is to disallow a context switch to occur in the middle of an operation Solution 1 Lock::Acquire() { // disable interrupts; } Lock::Release() { // enable interrupts;

6 An Example lockAcquire(); if (no milk) { // get milk }

7 Problems with Solution 1
A user-level program may not re-enable interrupts The OS can no longer regain the control No guarantees on the duration of interrupts; bad for real-time systems Solution 1 will not work for more complex scenarios (nested locks)

8 Solution 2 class Lock { int value = FREE; } Lock::Acquire() {
// disable interrupts while (value != FREE) { // enable interrupts value = BUSY; Lock::Release() { // disable interrupts value = FREE; // enable interrupts }

9 Solution 2 The lock is initially FREE. class Lock { int value = FREE;
} Lock::Acquire() { // disable interrupts while (value != FREE) { // enable interrupts value = BUSY; Lock::Release() { // disable interrupts value = FREE; // enable interrupts } The lock is initially FREE.

10 Solution 2 Check the lock value while interrupts are disabled.
class Lock { int value = FREE; } Lock::Acquire() { // disable interrupts while (value != FREE) { // enable interrupts value = BUSY; Lock::Release() { // disable interrupts value = FREE; // enable interrupts } Check the lock value while interrupts are disabled.

11 Solution 2 Re-enable interrupts inside the loop, so someone may have a
class Lock { int value = FREE; } Lock::Acquire() { // disable interrupts while (value != FREE) { // enable interrupts value = BUSY; Lock::Release() { // disable interrupts value = FREE; // enable interrupts } Re-enable interrupts inside the loop, so someone may have a chance to unlock.

12 Solution 2 Disable the interrupts again before checking the lock.
class Lock { int value = FREE; } Lock::Acquire() { // disable interrupts while (value != FREE) { // enable interrupts value = BUSY; Lock::Release() { // disable interrupts value = FREE; // enable interrupts } Disable the interrupts again before checking the lock.

13 Solution 2 If no one is holding the lock, grab the lock. class Lock {
int value = FREE; } Lock::Acquire() { // disable interrupts while (value != FREE) { // enable interrupts value = BUSY; Lock::Release() { // disable interrupts value = FREE; // enable interrupts } If no one is holding the lock, grab the lock.

14 Problems with Solution 2
It works for a single processor It does not work on a multi-processor machine Other CPUs can still enter the critical section

15 The test_and_set Operation
test_and_set also works on multiprocessors Atomically reads a memory location Sets it to 1 Returns the old value of memory location

16 The test_and_set Operation
value = 0; Lock::Acquire() { // while the previous value is BUSY, loop while (test_and_set(value) == 1); } Lock::Release() {

17 Problems with Mentioned Approaches
Busy-waiting: hogging CPU cycles while a thread is waiting for a lock Very inefficient Can be avoided with a waiting queue

18 Locks Using Interrupt Disables, Without Busy-Waiting
class Lock { int value = FREE; } Lock::Acquire() { // disable interrupts if (value != FREE) { // Queue the thread // Go to sleep } else { value = BUSY; // enable interrupts Lock::Release() { // disable interrupts if (someone is waiting) { // wake a thread // Put it on ready queue } else { value = FREE; } // enable interrupts

19 Locks Using Interrupt Disables, Without Busy-Waiting
class Lock { int value = FREE; } Lock::Acquire() { // disable interrupts if (value != FREE) { // Queue the thread // Go to sleep } else { value = BUSY; // enable interrupts Lock::Release() { // disable interrupts if (someone is waiting) { // wake a thread // Put it on ready queue } else { value = FREE; } // enable interrupts Thread 1 tries to grab the lock. Thread 1

20 Locks Using Interrupt Disables, Without Busy-Waiting
class Lock { int value = FREE; } Lock::Acquire() { // disable interrupts if (value != FREE) { // Queue the thread // Go to sleep } else { value = BUSY; // enable interrupts Lock::Release() { // disable interrupts if (someone is waiting) { // wake a thread // Put it on ready queue } else { value = FREE; } // enable interrupts No more busy waiting… Thread 1

21 Locks Using Interrupt Disables, Without Busy-Waiting
class Lock { int value = FREE; } Lock::Acquire() { // disable interrupts if (value != FREE) { // Queue the thread // Go to sleep } else { value = BUSY; // enable interrupts Lock::Release() { // disable interrupts if (someone is waiting) { // wake a thread // Put it on ready queue } else { value = FREE; } // enable interrupts Grab the lock. Thread 1

22 Locks Using Interrupt Disables, Without Busy-Waiting
class Lock { int value = FREE; } Lock::Acquire() { // disable interrupts if (value != FREE) { // Queue the thread // Go to sleep } else { value = BUSY; // enable interrupts Lock::Release() { // disable interrupts if (someone is waiting) { // wake a thread // Put it on ready queue } else { value = FREE; } // enable interrupts Thread 1 goes on computing. Thread 1

23 Locks Using Interrupt Disables, Without Busy-Waiting
class Lock { int value = FREE; } Lock::Acquire() { // disable interrupts if (value != FREE) { // Queue the thread // Go to sleep } else { value = BUSY; // enable interrupts Lock::Release() { // disable interrupts if (someone is waiting) { // wake a thread // Put it on ready queue } else { value = FREE; } // enable interrupts Thread 2 tries to grab the lock. Thread 2

24 Locks Using Interrupt Disables, Without Busy-Waiting
class Lock { int value = FREE; } Lock::Acquire() { // disable interrupts if (value != FREE) { // Queue the thread // Go to sleep } else { value = BUSY; // enable interrupts Lock::Release() { // disable interrupts if (someone is waiting) { // wake a thread // Put it on ready queue } else { value = FREE; } // enable interrupts The lock is busy… Thread 2

25 Locks Using Interrupt Disables, Without Busy-Waiting
class Lock { int value = FREE; } Lock::Acquire() { // disable interrupts if (value != FREE) { // Queue the thread // Go to sleep } else { value = BUSY; // enable interrupts Lock::Release() { // disable interrupts if (someone is waiting) { // wake a thread // Put it on ready queue } else { value = FREE; } // enable interrupts Put the thread 2 on a waiting queue. Thread 2

26 Locks Using Interrupt Disables, Without Busy-Waiting
class Lock { int value = FREE; } Lock::Acquire() { // disable interrupts if (value != FREE) { // Queue the thread // Go to sleep } else { value = BUSY; // enable interrupts Lock::Release() { // disable interrupts if (someone is waiting) { // wake a thread // Put it on ready queue } else { value = FREE; } // enable interrupts Go to sleep. Wait for the princess charming…Context switch within the sleep. Thread 2

27 Locks Using Interrupt Disables, Without Busy-Waiting
class Lock { int value = FREE; } Lock::Acquire() { // disable interrupts if (value != FREE) { // Queue the thread // Go to sleep } else { value = BUSY; // enable interrupts Lock::Release() { // disable interrupts if (someone is waiting) { // wake a thread // Put it on ready queue } else { value = FREE; } // enable interrupts Say thread 1 wants to release the lock (interrupts are already disabled by thread 2). Thread 1

28 Locks Using Interrupt Disables, Without Busy-Waiting
class Lock { int value = FREE; } Lock::Acquire() { // disable interrupts if (value != FREE) { // Queue the thread // Go to sleep } else { value = BUSY; // enable interrupts Lock::Release() { // disable interrupts if (someone is waiting) { // wake a thread // Put it on ready queue } else { value = FREE; } // enable interrupts Hello? Is someone waiting there? <echo> Is someone waiting there? Thread 2 is waiting. Thread 1

29 Locks Using Interrupt Disables, Without Busy-Waiting
class Lock { int value = FREE; } Lock::Acquire() { // disable interrupts if (value != FREE) { // Queue the thread // Go to sleep } else { value = BUSY; // enable interrupts Lock::Release() { // disable interrupts if (someone is waiting) { // wake a thread // Put it on ready queue } else { value = FREE; } // enable interrupts Put thread 2 on ready queue; context switch. Thread 1

30 Locks Using Interrupt Disables, Without Busy-Waiting
class Lock { int value = FREE; } Lock::Acquire() { // disable interrupts if (value != FREE) { // Queue the thread // Go to sleep } else { value = BUSY; // enable interrupts Lock::Release() { // disable interrupts if (someone is waiting) { // wake a thread // Put it on ready queue } else { value = FREE; } // enable interrupts Thread 2: Who kissed me? I don’t do mornings… Thread 2

31 Locks Using Interrupt Disables, Without Busy-Waiting
class Lock { int value = FREE; } Lock::Acquire() { // disable interrupts if (value != FREE) { // Queue the thread // Go to sleep } else { value = BUSY; // enable interrupts Lock::Release() { // disable interrupts if (someone is waiting) { // wake a thread // Put it on ready queue } else { value = FREE; } // enable interrupts Thread 2 is done with its computation. Thread 2

32 Locks Using Interrupt Disables, Without Busy-Waiting
class Lock { int value = FREE; } Lock::Acquire() { // disable interrupts if (value != FREE) { // Queue the thread // Go to sleep } else { value = BUSY; // enable interrupts Lock::Release() { // disable interrupts if (someone is waiting) { // wake a thread // Put it on ready queue } else { value = FREE; } // enable interrupts Suppose no one else is waiting. Thread 2

33 Locks Using Interrupt Disables, Without Busy-Waiting
class Lock { int value = FREE; } Lock::Acquire() { // disable interrupts if (value != FREE) { // Queue the thread // Go to sleep } else { value = BUSY; // enable interrupts Lock::Release() { // disable interrupts if (someone is waiting) { // wake a thread // Put it on ready queue } else { value = FREE; } // enable interrupts Release the lock. (Thread 1 has finished its work, so it’s okay.) Thread 2

34 Locks Using Interrupt Disables, Without Busy-Waiting
class Lock { int value = FREE; } Lock::Acquire() { // disable interrupts if (value != FREE) { // Queue the thread // Go to sleep } else { value = BUSY; // enable interrupts Lock::Release() { // disable interrupts if (someone is waiting) { // wake a thread // Put it on ready queue } else { value = FREE; } // enable interrupts Warp 9, engage (let’s get out of here)… Thread 2

35 Locks Using Interrupt Disables, Without Busy-Waiting
class Lock { int value = FREE; } Lock::Acquire() { // disable interrupts if (value != FREE) { // Queue the thread // Go to sleep } else { value = BUSY; // enable interrupts Lock::Release() { // disable interrupts if (someone is waiting) { // wake a thread // Put it on ready queue } else { value = FREE; } // enable interrupts Eventually, the kernel will context switch back to thread 1…Thread 1: What happened? Thread 1

36 So, What’s Going On? Interrupt disable and enable operations occur across context switches (at the steady state)

37 So, What’s Going On? Thread A Thread B Context Disable interrupts
Return from sleep Enable interrupts Context switch Disable interrupts Sleep Disable interrupts Sleep Return from sleep Enable interrupts Context switch

38 Locks Using Interrupt Disables, Without Busy-Waiting
class Lock { int value = FREE; } Lock::Acquire() { // disable interrupts if (value != FREE) { // Queue the thread // Go to sleep } else { value = BUSY; // enable interrupts Lock::Release() { // disable interrupts if (someone is waiting) { // wake a thread // Put it on ready queue } else { value = FREE; } // enable interrupts Thread 1 Thread 2 Thread 3 CPU scheduler FIFO queue

39 Locks Using Interrupt Disables, Without Busy-Waiting
class Lock { int value = FREE; } Lock::Acquire() { // disable interrupts if (value != FREE) { // Queue the thread // Go to sleep } else { value = BUSY; // enable interrupts Lock::Release() { // disable interrupts if (someone is waiting) { // wake a thread // Put it on ready queue } else { value = FREE; } // enable interrupts Thread 1 Thread 2 Thread 3 CPU scheduler FIFO queue

40 Locks Using Interrupt Disables, Without Busy-Waiting
class Lock { int value = FREE; } Lock::Acquire() { // disable interrupts if (value != FREE) { // Queue the thread // Go to sleep } else { value = BUSY; // enable interrupts Lock::Release() { // disable interrupts if (someone is waiting) { // wake a thread // Put it on ready queue } else { value = FREE; } // enable interrupts Thread 2 Thread 3 Thread 1 CPU scheduler FIFO queue

41 Locks Using Interrupt Disables, Without Busy-Waiting
class Lock { int value = FREE; } Lock::Acquire() { // disable interrupts if (value != FREE) { // Queue the thread // Go to sleep } else { value = BUSY; // enable interrupts Lock::Release() { // disable interrupts if (someone is waiting) { // wake a thread // Put it on ready queue } else { value = FREE; } // enable interrupts Thread 2 Thread 3 Thread 1 CPU scheduler FIFO queue

42 Locks Using Interrupt Disables, Without Busy-Waiting
class Lock { int value = FREE; } Lock::Acquire() { // disable interrupts if (value != FREE) { // Queue the thread // Go to sleep } else { value = BUSY; // enable interrupts Lock::Release() { // disable interrupts if (someone is waiting) { // wake a thread // Put it on ready queue } else { value = FREE; } // enable interrupts Thread 2 Thread 3 Thread 1 CPU scheduler FIFO queue

43 Locks Using Interrupt Disables, Without Busy-Waiting
class Lock { int value = FREE; } Lock::Acquire() { // disable interrupts if (value != FREE) { // Queue the thread // Go to sleep } else { value = BUSY; // enable interrupts Lock::Release() { // disable interrupts if (someone is waiting) { // wake a thread // Put it on ready queue } else { value = FREE; } // enable interrupts Thread 3 Thread 2 Thread 1 CPU scheduler FIFO queue

44 Locks Using Interrupt Disables, Without Busy-Waiting
class Lock { int value = FREE; } Lock::Acquire() { // disable interrupts if (value != FREE) { // Queue the thread // Go to sleep } else { value = BUSY; // enable interrupts Lock::Release() { // disable interrupts if (someone is waiting) { // wake a thread // Put it on ready queue } else { value = FREE; } // enable interrupts Thread 2 Thread 3 Thread 1 CPU scheduler FIFO queue

45 Locks Using Interrupt Disables, Without Busy-Waiting
class Lock { int value = FREE; } Lock::Acquire() { // disable interrupts if (value != FREE) { // Queue the thread // Go to sleep } else { value = BUSY; // enable interrupts Lock::Release() { // disable interrupts if (someone is waiting) { // wake a thread // Put it on ready queue } else { value = FREE; } // enable interrupts Thread 1 Thread 2 Thread 3 CPU scheduler FIFO queue

46 Locks Using Interrupt Disables, Without Busy-Waiting
class Lock { int value = FREE; } Lock::Acquire() { // disable interrupts if (value != FREE) { // Queue the thread // Go to sleep } else { value = BUSY; // enable interrupts Lock::Release() { // disable interrupts if (someone is waiting) { // wake a thread // Put it on ready queue } else { value = FREE; } // enable interrupts Thread 1 Thread 3 Thread 2 CPU scheduler FIFO queue

47 Locks Using Interrupt Disables, Without Busy-Waiting
class Lock { int value = FREE; } Lock::Acquire() { // disable interrupts if (value != FREE) { // Queue the thread // Go to sleep } else { value = BUSY; // enable interrupts Lock::Release() { // disable interrupts if (someone is waiting) { // wake a thread // Put it on ready queue } else { value = FREE; } // enable interrupts Thread 3 Thread 2 Thread 1 CPU scheduler FIFO queue

48 Locks Using Interrupt Disables, Without Busy-Waiting
class Lock { int value = FREE; } Lock::Acquire() { // disable interrupts if (value != FREE) { // Queue the thread // Go to sleep } else { value = BUSY; // enable interrupts Lock::Release() { // disable interrupts if (someone is waiting) { // wake a thread // Put it on ready queue } else { value = FREE; } // enable interrupts Thread 3 Thread 2 Thread 1 CPU scheduler FIFO queue

49 Locks Using Interrupt Disables, Without Busy-Waiting
class Lock { int value = FREE; } Lock::Acquire() { // disable interrupts if (value != FREE) { // Queue the thread // Go to sleep } else { value = BUSY; // enable interrupts Lock::Release() { // disable interrupts if (someone is waiting) { // wake a thread // Put it on ready queue } else { value = FREE; } // enable interrupts Thread 2 Thread 1 Thread 3 CPU scheduler FIFO queue

50 Locks Using Interrupt Disables, Without Busy-Waiting
class Lock { int value = FREE; } Lock::Acquire() { // disable interrupts if (value != FREE) { // Queue the thread // Go to sleep } else { value = BUSY; // enable interrupts Lock::Release() { // disable interrupts if (someone is waiting) { // wake a thread // Put it on ready queue } else { value = FREE; } // enable interrupts Thread 1 Thread 3 Thread 2 CPU scheduler FIFO queue CPU scheduler FIFO queue

51 Locks Using Interrupt Disables, Without Busy-Waiting
class Lock { int value = FREE; } Lock::Acquire() { // disable interrupts if (value != FREE) { // Queue the thread // Go to sleep } else { value = BUSY; // enable interrupts Lock::Release() { // disable interrupts if (someone is waiting) { // wake a thread // Put it on ready queue } else { value = FREE; } // enable interrupts Thread 1 Thread 3 Thread 2 CPU scheduler FIFO queue

52 Locks Using Interrupt Disables, Without Busy-Waiting
class Lock { int value = FREE; } Lock::Acquire() { // disable interrupts if (value != FREE) { // Queue the thread // Go to sleep } else { value = BUSY; // enable interrupts Lock::Release() { // disable interrupts if (someone is waiting) { // wake a thread // Put it on ready queue } else { value = FREE; } // enable interrupts Thread 3 Thread 2 CPU scheduler FIFO queue

53 Locks Using Interrupt Disables, Without Busy-Waiting
class Lock { int value = FREE; } Lock::Acquire() { // disable interrupts if (value != FREE) { // Queue the thread // Go to sleep } else { value = BUSY; // enable interrupts Lock::Release() { // disable interrupts if (someone is waiting) { // wake a thread // Put it on ready queue } else { value = FREE; } // enable interrupts Thread 2 CPU scheduler FIFO queue

54 Locks Using test_and_set, With Minimal Busy-Waiting
Impossible to use test_and_set to avoid busy-waiting However, waiting can be minimized with a waiting queue

55 Locks Using test_and_set, With Minimal Busy-Waiting
class Lock { int value = FREE; int guard = 0; } Lock::Acquire() { while (test_and_set(guard)); if (value != FREE) { // queue the thread // guard = 0 and sleep } else { value = BUSY; guard = 0; Lock::Release() { while (test_and_set(guard)); if (anyone waiting) { // wake up one thread // put it on ready queue } else { value = FREE; } guard = 0;

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