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Respect It is often said that respect is treating others the way you want to be treated. It is also said that respect is earned, not given. So how do these.

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Presentation on theme: "Respect It is often said that respect is treating others the way you want to be treated. It is also said that respect is earned, not given. So how do these."— Presentation transcript:

1 Respect It is often said that respect is treating others the way you want to be treated. It is also said that respect is earned, not given. So how do these two seemingly opposing ideas work together? If you show and give others respect you are earning respect for yourself. In turn, if someone is does not know how to give treat others with respect, then they will not be able to recognize and receive respect when it is sent their way. Two forms of respect Self-Respect Respect for Others Note: Bullies often have too little self-respect so they try to make up for it by making others feel smaller than they do or a distorted understanding of what self-respect means. Thoughts for consideration: Can you have self-respect without receiving respect for others? Can you show respect for others without having self-respect? Is one form of respect more important than the other?

2 Character – Universal term for how to behave
Character – Universal term for how to behave. So important, we emphasize it year round!

3 Your attitude is how you see and react to what is around you
Your attitude is how you see and react to what is around you. It is the mood, tone and vibe you give off. It can be as contagious as a smile or as infectious as temper. As people, we “feed” off of each other’s attitudes and feelings and the attitude we come with impacts the outcome of everything we are doing. Therefore, attack life, with a positive and rich attitude. Life is more enjoyable with a smile on and in doing so, you will be treated similarly. Attitude

4 Diligence No one likes to admit that they are wrong, or have made a mistake. Yet, when someone tells you to double check your work, or go back and check the problems, it definitely feels like what they are saying is that you’ve done something wrong and you need to fix it. What they are really trying to say is that they want you to be diligent. Diligence is acting and thinking with precision focus. In doing so you can avoid many mistakes and therefore not have to redo your work. In school when you make mistakes, it just means you’ve earned a lower grade. However, once you hit the real world, you either have to redo the paperwork, get money taken out of your paycheck, or, if it has happened too often, you lose your job. Do all things with Diligence, otherwise all your effort may go to waste.


6 Being flexible is another important life principle
Being flexible is another important life principle. You can either bend with the wind, like some trees, or snap in half because you refuse to give a little. Flexibility allows you to make the most out of the situations you are given in life. Like making lemonade “when life gives you lemons.” You may not always enjoy the person you are partnered with, like the time you have for lunch, or the resources you have for WOW. Keep a positive attitude, compromise, and set your mind on your goals and everything will turn out for the best. Flexibility When you might need to be flexible in school: Your best friend isn’t in your class Fire drill in the middle of a test Ms. Groves just made ANOTHER announcement No outdoor recess because it’s raining Working with an assigned partner MUCH MUCH MORE!




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