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TDD by example Why shall we test ? What is TDD (Test Driven Development) ? Lets practice it together doing a kata... Why shall we test ? What is TDD (Test.

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Presentation on theme: "TDD by example Why shall we test ? What is TDD (Test Driven Development) ? Lets practice it together doing a kata... Why shall we test ? What is TDD (Test."— Presentation transcript:

1 TDD by example Why shall we test ? What is TDD (Test Driven Development) ? Lets practice it together doing a kata... Why shall we test ? What is TDD (Test Driven Development) ? Lets practice it together doing a kata... Pierre-Emmanuel DAUTREPPE – October 26th 2012

2 2 «.NET Architect » and « XP Coach » Founder of User Group « DotNetHub » « La Journée Agile »/« Agile Tour Namur » Me contacter via : @pedautreppe Pierre-Emmanuel DAUTREPPE

3 3 Our developer life We are genious ! (generally misunderstood) We = developers That functionality you implemented, you have ? No, thats useless ! Its trivial ! … … … doesnt work … ???? n00b documented it commented it tested it Turk et De Groot

4 4 Our developer life

5 5 Pinder Circus Just use a safety net !

6 6 Tests are a validation tool…

7 7 …but also a documentation tool… Here is a pretty clear user manual Its written « Sort out your own problems ! »

8 8 …and a design tool

9 9 The « Test Driven Development » Cycle Refactoring Test passes Implement Test compiles but fail Write needed API It does not compile Write a test Refactoring of tests Refactoring of code

10 10 string ReadFooValue() { string[] lines = File.ReadAllLines(@"c:\myapp.ini"); foreach ( var line in lines ) { int index = line.IndexOf('='); string name = line.Substring(0, index); if ( name.StartsWith("Foo") ) { string value = line.Substring(index + 1); return value; } return null; } string ReadFooValue() { string[] lines = File.ReadAllLines(@"c:\myapp.ini"); foreach ( var line in lines ) { int index = line.IndexOf('='); string name = line.Substring(0, index); if ( name.StartsWith("Foo") ) { string value = line.Substring(index + 1); return value; } return null; } Code coverage, myth or reality ? « Complexity » and « code coverage »… whats that ?

11 11 Code coverage, myth or reality ? 100% code coverage is not enough ! Phil Haack

12 12 Development Test Release Improve the feedback

13 13

14 14 Conclusion TDD let you use tests as A validation tool A documentation tool A design tool Follow the TDD rules Be iterative: split your work in small (requirement) increments Always start by writing a test Then implement untill the test passes And Cleanup! (refactor)

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