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1 Auditory




5 Mnemonics Mnemonics work by turning the first letter of a list of items (or the letters of a word which is difficult to spell) into a memorable sentence or word eg: The word ‘because’ = big elephants can always upset small elephants The colours of the rainbow = Richard of York gave battle in vain (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet) The points of the compass = never eat shredded wheat or naughty elephants squirt water (north, east, south, west)

6 Visual and Kinaesthetic



9 Visual, Auditory and Kinaesthetic



12 Numbers system - Learn this list or something like it
Numbers system - Learn this list or something like it. The associate your information in sequence - created a story with these images/ ideas and then attach the information you want to remember to the story and the ideas and image. Similar to the seahorses technique One - bun Two – glue Three – tree Four- Door Five – Hive Six – Bricks Seven – Heaven Eight – Gate Nine – Lane Ten- Pen







19 Visual Kinaesthetic

20 Reports, films and journeys
Describe the story as a police report (begin with ‘Well, your Honour…’); or as a story you are telling to small children (begin with ‘Once upon a time…’); or see it as if you are filming it with a camera and then watching it on a screen (begin with ‘Lights, cameras, action…’) Imagine a journey that you regularly take eg the walk to school, a trip round the supermarket or your way into town. ‘Paste’ the images of what you have to remember into that journey Use your body Another way of retaining information is to number off parts of your body: top of your head, mouth, end of your nose, shoulders, hands and so on until you get down to your feet and then imagine each object from the list sitting on one of the parts of the body

21 Visual, Auditory and Kinaesthetic

22 Blocks of five Scientists tell us that the conscious brain can hold up to seven pieces of information at a time plus or minus two. Therefore, the worst you will ever do is to remember five pieces. So, memorise information in blocks of five things.

23 Visual

24 Oversize or Undersize – exaggerate the information to help you remember it. Make it larger or smaller than the original so that is sticks out in you memory.








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