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Using the slides. Record information for each system in your journal title and write the hint if you don’t already have it.(only red words need written.

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Presentation on theme: "Using the slides. Record information for each system in your journal title and write the hint if you don’t already have it.(only red words need written."— Presentation transcript:

1 Using the slides. Record information for each system in your journal title and write the hint if you don’t already have it.(only red words need written in your notes) Excretory system (Urine exits the body) is person #9 What is the Function and organs involved in this system? Digestive system (digests food) is person # 10

2 Digestive/Excretory System
Without my system, the body would not be able to obtain energy and nutrients. I break down all the food stuffed in my mouth into usable nutrients and expel the wastes. All the body systems require various nutrients to function. The human body obtains these nutrients from the food we eat. The digestive system then breaks down these foodstuffs into usable nutrients for the body to use

3 Excretory System (urine Exits)
Function Filters waste from blood Eliminates (gets rid of) these waste products as liquid waste

4 Excretory Organs Kidneys – filters your blood up to 400 times a day removing waste Ureters – connects the kidneys to the bladder Bladder – Stores liquid waste until it is ready to be released Urethra – guides the liquid waste out of the body


6 Digestive System Function: Breaks down food into pieces small enough to be absorbed into our blood These small molecules of food can be taken into our cells to be used for making energy

7 During digestion complex compounds such as sugar or starch is broken down into simpler compounds for the body to absorb. H2O becomes O+ H H


9 Digestive Organs Mouth – chews food to break it into smaller pieces
Esophagus – moves food from the mouth to your stomach using smooth muscle (think tube of toothpaste) Stomach – mixes and crushes food into smaller pieces, secretes substances to break down food chemically and kill bacteria

10 More Digestive Organs Small Intestine – chemical digestion breaks food down into particles small enough they can be absorbed into the bloodstream, where most nutrients are absorbed Large Intestine – absorbs water and nutrients, processes remaining waste to be eliminated from the body

11 Digestive System Types of Digestion Mechanical – food being physically broken down into smaller pieces (chewing, peristalsis in the stomach) Chemical – large molecules of food broken down into smaller molecules by substances made in the body (stomach acid, enzymes)

12 Cracker Lab You will be examining the differences between chemical and mechanical digestion. You will be taking 2 bites of your cracker. Use an online stopwatch Make sure you take 2 even bites Eat one bite of the cracker using only chemical digestion (saliva) record how long it takes for it to liquefy/digest Eat another bite using mechanical digestion (chewing) and chemical digestion (saliva) record how long it takes for it to liquefy/digest. Write the answers on the digestion page. Which method was quicker? Which did a better job? Why do you think this? Support your opinion with evidence from the cracker lab.

13 In your notebook on the left page, across from your digestive system
In your notebook on the left page, across from your digestive system. Create a minimum of SIX step illustration with description of what this cracker will now experience going through your digestive system. AKA. the process of digestion. EXAMPLE: step one teeth tear and grind food down into smaller pieces and saliva enzymes in the mouth breakdown the starch in the cracker. Digestive system video to help you with your illustrations and identifying the steps of digestion.

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