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David Moore European Center for Not-for-Profit Law

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Presentation on theme: "David Moore European Center for Not-for-Profit Law"— Presentation transcript:

1 David Moore European Center for Not-for-Profit Law
Improving the Legal Environment for Civil Society: Sustainability Challenges David Moore European Center for Not-for-Profit Law

2 Stages of Civil Society Development
Carving out “Circles of Freedom” Right to exist as non-governmental organization Defining Identity Basic legal framework for NGO organizational forms Developing Capacity Public benefit status + fiscal benefits, accountability standards CSO transparency and improved public image Promoting Sustainability Tax benefits, direct government funding Donor Incentives, volunteering Economic activity Improved quality & impact NGO/government cooperation Public participation, public policy engagement

3 Areas of Regulatory Concern
Level 1 Basic Legal Framework Establishment, registration, basic activities Governance and basic accountability Level 2 Public Benefit Status and Fiscal Privileges Certification process Corresponding benefits and accountability Level 3 Financial Sustainability Tax benefits, direct government funding Donor Incentives, volunteering Economic activity Level 4 Improved Quality and Impact - Policy documents for cooperation - Institutional mechanisms for cooperation - Framework for policy dialogue

4 The Sustainability Challenge
Why Important? NGOs: Ability to fulfill missions over long term State: Meeting community needs more effectively Context: NGO Revenue Sources Legal Tools to Support Sustainability

5 NGO Sector Revenue Sources Source: John Hopkins Comparative Nonprofit Sector Project

6 NGO Sector Revenue Sources (With inclusion of volunteering) Source: John Hopkins Comparative Nonprofit Sector Project

7 Revenue Sources Country Fees/Dues Government Philanthropy
Germany France UK Japan US Poland Developed Developing Johns Hopkins Comparative Nonprofit Sector Project

8 Legal Tools to Support Sustainability
Public Benefit Status Framework for Financing Economic Activity / Investment Income Private Donations / Volunteerism Tax Exemptions / Direct Funding Cooperation Framework Policy documents Institutional mechanisms

9 Public Benefit Status Definition of “public benefit”
Application / certification criteria Appropriate decision-maker Fiscal benefits Accountability standards

10 Legal Framework for Financing
Self-Generated Income Economic Activities Investment Income Philanthropy / Private Giving Donor Incentives Volunteerism Government Funding Indirect Subsidy = Tax Exemptions Direct Funding = Subsidies, Grants, Contracts Innovative Mechanisms

11 Economic Activities Defined = Regularly pursued sale of goods or services Can NGOs engage directly in economic activities? Generally YES Taxation of income from economic activities? Various tax approaches

12 Government Support Indirect Support: Tax Exemptions Direct Support:
Budget Subsidies Grants Contracts Primary Challenge = Transparency

13 Innovative Approaches
Use of Underutilized Government Property Privatization Proceeds “Per Capita” Fees and Vouchers Lottery Proceeds Government-established foundations and funds Percentage Philanthropy

14 Cooperation Framework
Policy Documents of Cooperation UK Compacts Estonian Concept Croatian Program for Cooperation Hungarian Government Strategy Institutional Mechanisms for Cooperation Parliament, Government, Ministries Hungarian National Civil Fund Croatian National Foundation for Civil Society Development

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