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Scenarios and Vision for the European Territory in 2050

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Presentation on theme: "Scenarios and Vision for the European Territory in 2050"— Presentation transcript:

1 Scenarios and Vision for the European Territory in 2050
Andreu Ulied, MCRIT, Lead Partner ESPON Territorial Scenarios and Vision for 2050 ESPON MC 3rd December 2013 Vlinius 1

2 National EuropeanTerritorial Strategies and Visions

3 Global Cities (ARE)

4 Intercontinental Maritime Links

5 Territorial Megatrends towards 2050
Growing world Megalopolis in Emerging markets Increasing Trade with Asia and Latinoamerica Progress on ICT, Energy and Transport technologies Increasing Migration/Mobility (N/S, E/W, R/U...)

6 Spatial orientation of Extreme Framework conditions
Exploratory Scenarios for Spatial orientation of the scenarios Extreme Framework conditions Baseline 1 Economic decline 2 Technologic progress 3 Energy/ Climate Costs Promotion of global regions A0 A1 A2 A3 Promotion of large urban regions B0 B1 B2 B3 Promotion of rural and peripheral regions C0 C1 C2 C3

7 Which Scenario is best for Convergence?
Cohesion: Reduction of disparities in CoV of GDP/capita 2007 Crisis B2 C2

8 Scenarios 2050: Scenario Variants
GDP (1981=100) 2007 Crisis B2 C2 8

9 (working documents)
Further information: (working documents) 9

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