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a b AP-1 Sp1 Nuclear extract Competitor (100X) CDCA 50 µM + - M

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Presentation on theme: "a b AP-1 Sp1 Nuclear extract Competitor (100X) CDCA 50 µM + - M"— Presentation transcript:

1 a b AP-1 Sp1 Nuclear extract Competitor (100X) CDCA 50 µM + - M Nuclear extract Competitor (100X) CDCA 50 µM + - M Supplemental Figure 1: EMSA in MCF-7 TR1 cells using AP-1 (a) and Sp1 (b) motifs of HER2 promoter. Nuclear extracts incubated with specific probes (lanes 1a-1b). A 100-fold molar excess of unlabeled (lanes 2a-2b) or of mutated (M) (lanes 3a-3b) probes. Nuclear extracts from cells treated with CDCA (lanes 4a-4b). Lanes 5a-5b, probes alone.

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