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Presentation on theme: "SECRETARÍA DE ESTADO DE MEDIO AMBIENTE DIRECCION GENERAL DE CALIDAD Y EVALUACION AMBIENTAL Y MEDIO NATURAL Spanish Coordination: EMW 2012 promotional activities."— Presentation transcript:

1 SECRETARÍA DE ESTADO DE MEDIO AMBIENTE DIRECCION GENERAL DE CALIDAD Y EVALUACION AMBIENTAL Y MEDIO NATURAL Spanish Coordination: EMW 2012 promotional activities Moving in the right direction! Participa en los Planes de Movilidad de tu ciudad: ¡muévete en la buena dirección! Bologna. June 27, 2012 Soledad Perlado Hergueta Technical Advisor / EMW Spanish Coordination Dirección General de Calidad y Evaluación Ambiental y Medio Natural EMW 32 th Coordination Meeting

2 Spanish Coordination: EMW 2012 promotional activities SECRETARÍA DE ESTADO DE MEDIO AMBIENTE DIRECCION GENERAL DE CALIDAD Y EVALUACION AMBIENTAL Y MEDIO NATURAL 2 Spanish coordination structure Promoting docs Promoting activities Scientific & Technical Committee Activity Program (September 16-22): draft III SEMS Awards Valuation criteria Methodology of work Index

3 Spanish Coordination: EMW 2012 promotional activities SECRETARÍA DE ESTADO DE MEDIO AMBIENTE DIRECCION GENERAL DE CALIDAD Y EVALUACION AMBIENTAL Y MEDIO NATURAL 3 Support, C oordinate and join efforts for getting changes in the society behavior towards the sustainable mobility Scientific & Technical Committee (STC) SPANISH COORDINATION MUNICIPALITIES Towns Diputaciones, Cabildos (Regional Administration) Regional Parliaments State Parliaments Spanish Federation of Municipalities Network of Networks of Sustainable Local Development Spanish Network of Cities for Climate Spanish Network of Healthy Cities CIVIL SOCIETY Organizations Institutions Companies Trade Unions Spanish coordination structure EMW SPANISH COORDINATION

4 Spanish Coordination: EMW 2012 promotional activities SECRETARÍA DE ESTADO DE MEDIO AMBIENTE DIRECCION GENERAL DE CALIDAD Y EVALUACION AMBIENTAL Y MEDIO NATURAL 4 1.Monthly Newsletter Monthly sending of an informative report with all news related to sustainable mobility: congress, good practices, training courses, EMW last news, …. Promoting docs

5 Spanish Coordination: EMW 2012 promotional activities SECRETARÍA DE ESTADO DE MEDIO AMBIENTE DIRECCION GENERAL DE CALIDAD Y EVALUACION AMBIENTAL Y MEDIO NATURAL 5 2.Charters (of invitation) For municipalities, regional parliaments, national and regional administration, social organizations, institutions, … (more than 1.200 contacts) Promoting docs

6 Spanish Coordination: EMW 2012 promotional activities SECRETARÍA DE ESTADO DE MEDIO AMBIENTE DIRECCION GENERAL DE CALIDAD Y EVALUACION AMBIENTAL Y MEDIO NATURAL 6 3.Charters (of support) : new versions For municipalities Promoting docs

7 Spanish Coordination: EMW 2012 promotional activities SECRETARÍA DE ESTADO DE MEDIO AMBIENTE DIRECCION GENERAL DE CALIDAD Y EVALUACION AMBIENTAL Y MEDIO NATURAL 7 4.Charters (of support) : new versions For institutions, social organizations & companies Promoting docs

8 Spanish Coordination: EMW 2012 promotional activities SECRETARÍA DE ESTADO DE MEDIO AMBIENTE DIRECCION GENERAL DE CALIDAD Y EVALUACION AMBIENTAL Y MEDIO NATURAL 8 5.Leaflet Adaptation into Spanish of the European leaflet. Includes the SEMS Awards information and the Decalogue of proposals for a more sustainable mobility Promoting docs


10 Spanish Coordination: EMW 2012 promotional activities SECRETARÍA DE ESTADO DE MEDIO AMBIENTE DIRECCION GENERAL DE CALIDAD Y EVALUACION AMBIENTAL Y MEDIO NATURAL 10 Promoting docs 7.Thematic Guidelines 2012 Adaptation into Spanish of the European doc.

11 Spanish Coordination: EMW 2012 promotional activities SECRETARÍA DE ESTADO DE MEDIO AMBIENTE DIRECCION GENERAL DE CALIDAD Y EVALUACION AMBIENTAL Y MEDIO NATURAL 11 Promoting docs 8.Handbook Adaptation into Spanish of the European doc.

12 Spanish Coordination: EMW 2012 promotional activities SECRETARÍA DE ESTADO DE MEDIO AMBIENTE DIRECCION GENERAL DE CALIDAD Y EVALUACION AMBIENTAL Y MEDIO NATURAL 12 Promoting docs 9.CD with al the promoting docs and the EMW-2011 Final Report

13 Spanish Coordination: EMW 2012 promotional activities SECRETARÍA DE ESTADO DE MEDIO AMBIENTE DIRECCION GENERAL DE CALIDAD Y EVALUACION AMBIENTAL Y MEDIO NATURAL 13 Permanent contact through the coordination e- mailbox ( with all the members of the data 864 municipalities 156 social organizations 127 institutions 95 companies National Nets: Network of networks of sustainable local development: 20 national & regional nets, with more than 2.700 municipalities Network of cities for Climate: 300 municipalities, municipalities communities, regional administrations (diputaciones, cabildos) CiViTAS España & Portugal: 44 Municipalities, local and regional administrations (comarcas, provincias) and other organizations (universities, technological centers, companies) with interests in sustainable mobility Network of cities for cycling: 50 municipalities, transport operators and institutions Promoting activities

14 Spanish Coordination: EMW 2012 promotional activities SECRETARÍA DE ESTADO DE MEDIO AMBIENTE DIRECCION GENERAL DE CALIDAD Y EVALUACION AMBIENTAL Y MEDIO NATURAL 14 Updating of the official Website for the EMW project in the Ministry web ( ambiental/temas/movilidad-urbana/movilidad/) with all the documents ambiental/temas/movilidad-urbana/movilidad/ Put at the service of the participants a telephone number, where they can solve all the doubts related to the EMW project Sending the invitation charters to the potential participants with promoting docs: leaflet and CD Monitoring and compiling of all joinings to the project, for later inscription in the European Mobility Week website Promoting activities

15 Spanish Coordination: EMW 2012 promotional activities SECRETARÍA DE ESTADO DE MEDIO AMBIENTE DIRECCION GENERAL DE CALIDAD Y EVALUACION AMBIENTAL Y MEDIO NATURAL 15 Scientific-Technical Committee (STC) Created by Ministry for advisory tasks to the National Coordination in themes which are the focus of the EMW (SUMPS in 2012). To look for an abroad dissemination of EMW activities, several public and private institutions have cooperated with this Committee. In it are represented the European institutions (Commission and Parliament) through its offices in Spain Members: 12.Secretaría de Estado para la UE, Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores (national administration) 13.Federación Regional de Asociaciones de Vecinos de Madrid (organization) 14.Ayuntamiento de Madrid (local administration) 15.Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (institution) 16.Colegio Oficial de Médicos de Madrid (institution) 17.Greenpeace (NGO) 18.Ecologistas en Acción (NGO) 19.Comisiones Obreras (National Trade Union) 20.Gas Natural (company) 21.OMM (institution) 22.CONBICI (National Bike Organization) 1.Ministerio de Agricultura, Pesca y Medio Ambiente (national administration) 2.Comisión y Parlamento Europeo. Representación en España (european administration) 3.DGT, Ministerio del Interior (national administration) 4.IDEA, Ministerio de Industria, Energía y Turismo (national administration) 5.Ministerio de Fomento (national administration) 6.Federación Española de Municipios y Provincias (institution) 7.Consorcio Regional de Transportes de Madrid (institution) 8.UGT (national trade union) 9.Green Ways Program (institution) 10.Red de Ciudades por la Bicicleta (organization) 11.Garrigues Medioambiente (company) Promoting activities

16 Spanish Coordination: EMW 2012 promotional activities SECRETARÍA DE ESTADO DE MEDIO AMBIENTE DIRECCION GENERAL DE CALIDAD Y EVALUACION AMBIENTAL Y MEDIO NATURAL 16 Activity Program for the EMW in September (16-22): draft September 17 th Means of transport racing (to be defined) September 18 th Workshop organized by Garrigues Mediambiente focus on companies: SUMPS / urban freight / tele- working September 19 th Workshop organized by DG Traffic, IDAE & FEMP: SUMPS / New Traffic Regulations (bikes) Promoting activities

17 Spanish Coordination: EMW 2012 promotional activities SECRETARÍA DE ESTADO DE MEDIO AMBIENTE DIRECCION GENERAL DE CALIDAD Y EVALUACION AMBIENTAL Y MEDIO NATURAL 17 September 20 th SEMS Awards 2012 deliver ceremony (Ministry of Environment) September 21 th Bike to work, organized by CCOO and CONBICI. Simultaneous workshops in several Spanish cities related to the urban use of bike for commuters Activity for university people (to be defined) September 22 th Car free day! Cycling route in Vitoria (European Green Capital) organized by the Spanish Representation of the European Commission and Parliament. Include bike promotional activities in the municipalities schools. Attendance of the Minister of Environment, to be confirmed. Promoting activities

18 Spanish Coordination: EMW 2012 promotional activities SECRETARÍA DE ESTADO DE MEDIO AMBIENTE DIRECCION GENERAL DE CALIDAD Y EVALUACION AMBIENTAL Y MEDIO NATURAL 18 III Edition: SEMS Awards 2012 The Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment recognize the work of all stakeholders who have been working for a more sustainable mobility with two awards categories: Permanent Measures 2012 for Municipalities. It has been valued the Permanent Measures implemented in the municipalities as a result of their participation in the 2011 EMW project Best Practices 2012 for social Organizations, Companies and Institutions. It has been valued the Good Practices implemented in their sphere of influence as a result of their participation in the 2011 EMW project Promoting activities

19 Spanish Coordination: EMW 2012 promotional activities SECRETARÍA DE ESTADO DE MEDIO AMBIENTE DIRECCION GENERAL DE CALIDAD Y EVALUACION AMBIENTAL Y MEDIO NATURAL 19 SEMS Awards 2012: Valuation criteria 1.Brief description of the measures and practices including photographic material (0 - 1 point) 2.Tools. Legal, technical, administrative and economical aspects developed for implementing the measure (1 - 5 points) 3.Social Impact. Social success of measures valuated through the data presented (1 - 5 points) 4.Environmental Impact. Valuated through the data, works or estimations (1 - 5 points) 5.Monitoring Plan. Through indicators which allow to measure its evolution over the time (0 - 1 point) 6.Media Coverage. Media promotion (1 - 5 points) 7.Private Participation. Companies mainly (0 - 1 point) 8.Innovation and use of ICT technologies (0 - 1 point) 9.Strategic Mobility Plan. According to which the presented measures have been made (0 - 1 point) 10.Connection with 2011 focal theme: transport efficiency (0 -1 point) 11.Number of presented measures (1, 2 or 3 points) Promoting activities

20 Spanish Coordination: EMW 2012 promotional activities SECRETARÍA DE ESTADO DE MEDIO AMBIENTE DIRECCION GENERAL DE CALIDAD Y EVALUACION AMBIENTAL Y MEDIO NATURAL 20 SEMS Awards 2012: Methodology of work April-June. Spreading of the rules and registration forms among the participants of last year EMW project and collection of all candidatures July. The Technical Secretary do a summary report with the information of all candidatures for the Jury members and mark the candidatures according to the valuation criteria September. Meeting of the Jury members to choose the finalist candidatures. Sending the invitations to the finalist candidatures to attend the award ceremony September 22nd. The award ceremony in the Ministry of Environmental Affairs in Madrid Promoting activities

21 Spanish Coordination: EMW 2012 promotional activities SECRETARÍA DE ESTADO DE MEDIO AMBIENTE DIRECCION GENERAL DE CALIDAD Y EVALUACION AMBIENTAL Y MEDIO NATURAL 21 Thank you for your attention!


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