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SeaPerch Structural System

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Presentation on theme: "SeaPerch Structural System"— Presentation transcript:

1 SeaPerch Structural System

2 Structural Technology
Technology of putting mechanical parts and materials together to create supports, containers, shelters, connectors and functional shapes.

3 What makes a structure? Supports a load. Resists various forces.
Holds elements in a relative position to other parts.

4 What happened?

5 Standard PVC Frame Parts.
Measure, mark, and cut the pieces as identified in the diagram.

6 Modified Structural System
If you developed a modified structure, you will need to determine the length of each piece of PVC pipe. The pipe fits into the connector ¾”. This means that you will need to add 1 ½” to the length of the pipe, if you have a connector on both ends.

7 Any Questions?

8 Create the drain holes. Secure the connector.
Drill ¼” hole in each elbow.

9 Assemble the frame. Assemble the pipe pieces with the connectors.
Do not glue the pieces together.

10 Assemble the floats. Use the H-bar to hold the 2 floats.

11 Mount the motors. Mount the motors to be able to move the ROV left, right, up, and down. The angle may be adjusted by rotating the pipe position, as the pipe is not glued.

12 Attach the netting. The netting will hold weights (ballast) to obtain neutral buoyancy.

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