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Simple filming techniques

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1 Simple filming techniques

2 Match on Action Filming a character performing an action, then cutting to a new shot showing the same action from a different perspective, but with a continuity of flow. This can be done to show the action in more detail (maybe a character flicks a switch and we cut to a close up of his hand), or to show a change in location (such as a character walking through a door). How many examples can you count in the next example (the Matrix, 1999, Dir. Larry and Andy Wachowski)? What is the effect?

3 Match Cut Cutting between two shots which look similar, in order to tie things together. The opening scene of 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968, Dir. Stanley Kubrick) is an excellent example of this. Can you think what the director is trying to symbolise with this match cut from the opening of the film?

4 Pan/Tilt Using the camera at a fixed point (such as on a tripod) and turning it left or right (pan, like a panoramic photo), or tilting it up or down (tilt) These examples are all from the film The Grand Budapest Hotel (2015, Dir. Wes Anderson). I would argue that some of the pans are so fast that they could be called “whip pans” (for obvious reasons), but we will cover these in more detail in a later workshop session

5 Push In The push in is where the camera operator literally pushes the camera in closer to the action (usually used on a character to show their expression change as they deal with a new or tough situation) A lot of novice film makers will try to create this effect by zooming in, but this is often clumsy and is difficult to get it just right

6 Your Task Go out and film three examples of all these techniques
Bring your footage back and edit these into some example videos Add these videos to YouTube and upload them to your websites under Workshops –> Lesson 6

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