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G322: Key Media Concepts (TV Drama) - Mock Question

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1 G322: Key Media Concepts (TV Drama) - Mock Question
Assessment Week One G322: Key Media Concepts (TV Drama) - Mock Question

2 L/O: To develop textual analysis skills To create a planned exam response To develop knowledge and application of key terminology.

3 The task Analyse the opening sequence of The Walking Dead: Episode 1 – Days Gone By. paying particular attention to: • Visual and audio codes (CLAMPS) • Technical codes (Editing, sound, SFX and camera angles 30 minutes screening and note taking. 15 minutes planning your response. 45 minutes to write your response.

4 How should I take notes? During the first viewing, you can should make notes – it may help you to divide your paper up into three and use the headings suggested by the question. At this stage, all you need to do is describe the media features you see under each category, as accurately as possible and using the best terminology you can! During the second viewing, you should make notes on any areas that you have less detailed information for. You should expand upon your points and make sure you have specific examples i.e. dialogue, action, SFX in particular moments: the key here is to be specific.

5 How should I write my response?
Introduce the text briefly: state what type of text it is, who the target audience is and what the purpose of the text is. Then start to write up your features – this time you need to describe a feature (being specific, precise and using correct terminology) AND offer some interpretation of what it means/ suggests to us. You can also consider how it works/ what effect it aims to have/ why the producers have opted for this choice. Remember that all media features are there because someone has chosen them and thinks that they get the message across and they mean something. A good piece of analysis should look something like this: The camera uses a low-angle shot of the man after he has been placed in a cell – this creates an image of his weakness and powerlessness, so we feel sympathy for him at this point. (accurate and precise description + interpretation of what it means/suggests to us/ impact on us) You can use each feature you talk about as the basis for a new a paragraph. Check that you are covering all three of the specified areas – if a feature does not add anything to any of these three categories, then leave them out! Finish by summing up the main thing you think the media language in this text is trying to achieve. A conclusion ties things up nicely and examiners like to see them!

6 Additional advice Students must be able not only to recognise a camera angle or a layout technique etc. but also to examine their purpose and effect. Those students who only describe are limiting their chances of achieving higher marks. Students need to be aware of the genre conventions of a range of forms and formats as indicated in the specification. They therefore need to be aware of the appropriate media language associated with a range of specific formats. Checklists related to specific media areas are useful so that students have a clear idea of what is required. Students need help in how to organise their notes during viewing time e.g., through the use of viewing grids etc. Similarly, students need to be aware that bullet points are designed to suggest areas to focus on and thus help them structure responses.

7 What am I being assessed on?
You are being assessed on three things: Your ability to plan a response. The response itself. Your level of literacy (SPAG).

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