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Where is Genealogy Software Headed?

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Presentation on theme: "Where is Genealogy Software Headed?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Where is Genealogy Software Headed?
October 20, 2007

2 Why Use Genealogy Software?
To organize our research efforts! Most genealogy programs are places to record our findings. A few are true research tools for use while we are still searching.

3 My Crystal Ball

4 My Crystal Ball

5 A Review

6 Let's review what was just covered. In the past twenty years:
Operating systems: some change Data input: little change Data exchange between dissimilar programs: little change Reporting: has been improved Ease of access to data: has improved significantly but still cannot automatically import into our local databases.


8 Today’s Databases: Islands

9 Privacy

10 The Future

11 Leading Online Services
The Next Generation New FamilySearch

12 What’s Next? Stay tuned to:

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