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The Pursuit of Happiness Unit

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1 The Pursuit of Happiness Unit
1/10-1/11 Intro

2 Bell Work 1/10/19 Most people do things that make them happy. For some people, it’s sports; for others, it may be reading or hanging out with friends. What makes you happy? Consider the meaning of the phrase the pursuit of happiness. Why is the pursuit of happiness a right in the Declaration of Independence? What happens when one person’s pursuit of happiness is in conflict with another person’s?

3 Unit Overview What does it mean to pursue happiness?
How can a writer use/manipulate genre conventions for effect? The pursuit of happiness is an integral part of the foundation of this country. Is there a price to pay for happiness? One’s rejection of wealth in favor of a different pathway to happiness. Identifying success Exploration of identity Rebellion

4 Into the Wild What does it mean to pursue happiness? Do we have a right to pursue happiness at all costs? In Into the wild, a biography that investigates the life of chris McCandless, a young man with an adventurous spirit, Jon krakauer creates a compelling story. In this story, Krakauer uses multiple genres to illuminate the complex nature of Mccandless's character and pursuit of happiness. Using primary and secondary research, Krakauer presents McCandless’s quest for personal freedom and personal relationship with nature that is part of the soul of American life. As you read an analyze Into the Wild, you will also evaluate your own beliefs and values associated with the pursuit of happiness.

5 Activity for 1/10/19 Today we are exploring personal credos. A credo is a set of beliefs that drives thoughts and behaviors. A personal credo is one which is created by the individual, and not just one accepted from other people. Read credo from “All I really need to know I learned in Kindergarten” Text Dependent Questions Precepts Explanatory Writing Prompt

6 Text Dependent Questions
What roles do cynicism and idealism play in Fulghum’s credo-writing process? In paragraph 4, on what central idea is Fulghum’s Credo based? What are your reactions to fulghum’s credo? If a personal credo can be considered a literary genre, what are some conventions that would characterize this genre?

7 Precepts As a class we will list some of the precepts we have learned over the course of our lives and explain why they’re significant. For example: Don't cut in front of people-always wait your turn. Rationale: Timing is everything. If we are not patient and we cut people off because we are in a hurry, we might miss out on a great opportunity that was waiting for us. We will have missed it and the person behind us might benefit from it.

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